6 Verbs to Use for the Word mediator

The Hungarian ministry requested the Archduke John to act us mediator.

We behold Him diminishing the awful distance at which we stand from His presence, by appointing for us a mediator and intercessor, through whom the humble may, without dismay, approach to Him who made them.

] Alex. Is our league dissolv'd, and shall the holy cause For which embattled Europe is in arms, Be idly given to the scorn of men, To gratify our passions and vile feuds? But speak Lorraine, for you have heretofore Been held the mediator in these jars Upon what quarrel do you thus arraign Bohemond of Tarentum? God.

"What is the etymology of Daysman, which, in the Book of Job, and in some of our provincial dialects, means a mediator or arbitrator?

"I shall rely on your kind offices, in particular, Miss Van Cortlandt, to reconcile Mrs. Jarvis and Mrs. Hawker to the liberty I am about to take," cried Sir George, as Grace burst upon them in the library, in a blaze of beauty that, in her case, was aided by her attire; "and cold-hearted and unchristian-like women they must be, indeed, to resist such a mediator!"

At its conclusion a Creek chief taunted the mediators as follows: "You have sweated yourselves poor in our smoky houses to make peace between us and the Cherokees, and thereby enable our young people to give you in a short time a far worse sweat than you have yet had."

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  mediator