6 Verbs to Use for the Word mender

But did not Chance at length her error mend? Did no subverted empire mark his end? Did rival monarchs give the fatal wound, Or hostile millions press him to the ground?

That there was no real intent to drown the unfortunate umbrella-mender I was well satisfied.

As I have heard nothing from you, I flatter myself Lady Aylesbury mends, or I think you would have brought her again to the physicians: you will, I conclude, next week, as towards the end of it the ten days they named will be expired.

I know few mend in this World, Madam.

He rang a bell monotonously and professed himself a mender of umbrellas.

In June a large war party gathered at Chillicothe to march against Boonsborough, and Boon determined to escape at all hazards, so that he might warn his mends.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  mender