8 Verbs to Use for the Word militaire

Never didst thou laugh; no, not even when in discussing how silence might be rendered in music, thou didst say, with thy extraordinary Pyrenean accent, "Pour rendre le silence en music il me faudrait trois orchestres militaires."

The words "ancien militaire" were written in every furrow of his face; in every seam and on every button of his shabby clothing.

vit forcé de s'adresser au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies en sistant sur la cessation des dits actes militaires.

When Cyrano de Bergerac, in Rostand's play, throws doubts on the reality of Christian's dulness and lack of culture, the latter replies: 'Bah! on trouve des mots quand on monte à l'assaut; Oui, j'ai un certain esprit facile et militaire;' and these two lines sum up a truth about the old oligarchs.

l'Autriche pour leurs préparatifs militaires.

Likely dogs are trained until they do not bark, and become entirely accustomed to the sound of firing; they are then pronounced "aptes a faire campagne" or "fit for service," receive their livret militaire, or certificatesfor not every chance dog is allowed in the trenchesand are despatched to the trenches on a rat-hunting campaign.

vit forcé de s'adresser au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Toutes les Russies en insistant sur la cessation desdits actes militaires.

But the Colonel needs no prompting, straight rises to address them, And his eye now flames in fury, and now twinkles like a star; And he turned on Mr. PARNELL'S men, and didn't rightly bless them, This flashing, dashing, slashing militaire from North Armagh.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  militaire