13 Verbs to Use for the Word millennium

I do not say that the consistent practice of these principles will bring the millennium in the twinkling of an eye, but I do affirm that they are the thought-germs of that better education which shall prepare humanity for the new earth over which shall arch the new heaven.

Now began the millennium of shopkeepers and bankers, all of whom supported the throne.

We shall begin, it may be said, somewhere near the primeval chaos, and though we shall indeed stop short of the day of judgment, we shall hope at all events to reach the millennium.

Lord Kitchener says: "You might as well try to hasten the millennium."

This momentous decision inaugurated a millennium in which reason was enchained, thought was enslaved, and knowledge made no progress.

If they was as onselfish within as they air fair and prosperous without, we would n't need no millennium.'

Enough has been said to show that the circumscription of aristocratic privilege and the diffusion of material luxury did not precipitate the millennium.

I, who nor meddle nor make in politics,I, who sincerely Put not my trust in leagues nor any suffrage by ballot, Never predicted Parisian millenniums, never beheld a

It does not wipe out the history of speculation in order to announce a millennium of new ideas; it claims, on the contrary, to be the culmination and dénoûment of that history.

Nowhere in history is this generalization more emphatic than in the failure of the European standard-bearers of western civilization to replace a millennium of diversity, discord and conflict by a unified, coordinated, co-existing, cooperating European community.

But regardless of what the mentally, physically, and morally perfect individuals might do after attaining their perfection, anarchy assumes the millennium,and the millennium is yet a long way off.

Give mankind but a generation or so of peace and right education and this world could mock at the poor imaginations that conceived a millennium.

In one he is the violent reformer, seeking to overthrow our present institutions and to hurry the millennium out of its slow walk into a gallop.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  millennium