36 Verbs to Use for the Word minde

And none but she was mistres of his will: Full often did his father him disswade From liking such a mean and low-born mayde; The more his father stroue to change his minde The more the sonne became with fancy blinde.

But we take choice of many a pleasant walke, And marke the Deare how they begin to stalke; When each, according to his age and time,[100] Pricks vp his head and bears a Princely minde.

Love carries him and so retains his minde That he forgets how I am left behind.

Well, master Clarence, I perceive your minde Hath so incorparate it selfe with flesh

Except thy selfe, all things to him were free: Otho, thou hast done me more then injurie; Well maist thou fixe thy eye upon the earth, This action sith breedes a prodigious birth: It is so monstrous, and against all kinde, That the lights splendor would confound thy minde.

Nay then, Doctor, since you cannot make any reasonable Connexion of these two contrarieties the minde, and the body, making both subiect to passion, wherein you confound the substances of both, I must tell you there is no disease of the minde but one, and that is Ignorance.

I know your error stricks your knowledge blinde; His seeming me, doth so delude your minde.

Nath'les, my brother, since we passed are Unto this point, we will appease our iarre; And I with reason meete will rest content, That ye shall have both crowne and government, 1050 Upon condition that ye ruled bee In all affaires, and counselled by mee; And that ye let none other ever drawe Your minde from me, but

"And who so els did goodnes by him game, And who so els his bounteous minde did trie*, Whether he shepheard be, or shepheards swaine, (For manie did, which doo it now denie,) 235 Awake, and to his song a part applie:

And, as when happy earth did, here, enclose His heavn'ly minde, his Fame then Heav'n did pierce.

Oh, sir, well found; But most especially it glads my minde To see my mistresse restorde to kinde.

Alas, faire dames, to make my sorows plain Would but reuiue an auncient wound again, Which grating presently vpon my minde Doth leaue a fear of former woes behinde.

I aske not that we meane to need his trust; Gaine hath great soveraigntie ore servile mindes.

When Maister More saw this aged man he thought it expedient to heare him say his minde in this matter, for being so olde a man it was likely that he knew most of any man in that presence and company.

You must also haue your words of Arte, certaine strange words, that it may not onely breed the more admiration to the people, but to leade away the eie from espying the manner of your conuayance, while you may induce the minde, to conceiue, and suppose that you deale with Spirits: and such kinde of sentenses, and od speeches, are vsed in diuers manners, fitting and correspondent to the action and feate that you goe about.

Thrugh your bright beams doth not the blinded guest Shoot out his darts to base affections wound; But angels come, to lead fraile mindes to rest In chast desires, on heavenly beauty bound.

But unto such the Ape lent not his minde; Such were for him no fit companions, 795 Such would descrie his lewd conditions: But the yong lustie gallants he did chose To follow, meete to whom he might disclose His witlesse pleasance and ill pleasing vaine.

O sacred friendship, thanks to thy kinde power, That being retir'd from all the faithlesse World, Appear'st to me in my unworldly friend, And for thine own sake let his noble minde, By moving presedent to all his kinde, (Like just Deucalion) of Earths stony bones Repaire the World with humaine bloud and flesh, And dying vertue with new life refresh.

Oh divine love, which so aloft canst raise, And lift the minde out of this earthly mire.

Opinion, that great foole, makes fooles of all, And (once) I feard her till I met a minde Whose grave instructions philosophical), Toss'd

Till wrongd thou wast with undeserved crime By them whom thou to honour didst advaunce: The memory of which thy heavy chaunce Provokes my minde to take remorse on thee.

Nor will you wish to break it, good my lord, I am assur'd, when you shall see the Dutchesse, Whose matchlesse beauties will renew the minde Of her rare entertainment, and her presence Put all new thoughts of love out of your minde.

A climbing height it is without a head, Depth without bottome, way without an end, A circle with no line invironed, Not comprehended, all it comprehends; Worth infinite, yet satisfies no minde, 'Till it that Infinite of the God-head finde.

But we know our selves least; Mere outward shews Our mindes so store, That our soules, no more than our eyes disclose But forme and colour.

In each of them it was a bloody act, Yet they deserue (to speake my minde of both) Most pardon that were bound thereto by oath.

36 Verbs to Use for the Word  minde