21 Verbs to Use for the Word minutia

I examined and analysed all the minutiae of causation in the change from life to death and death to life, until from the midst of this darkness a sudden light broke in upon me.

It seemed a cruel moment to tell him of young Hornblower's evasion and robbery, but the police wanted the description of the articles; and, in fact, nothing would have so brought home to him that, though Compton might not appreciate minutiae of Greek criticism, yet the habit of diligence, of which it was the test, might make a difference there.

"You may depend, Emmeline, it is to arrange all the necessary minutiae for your marriage," said Lord St. Eval, who had been persuaded to remain at Oakwood that night.

This epistle was dated from Rio Janeiro, and written evidently under the idea that his sister had received a former letter containing every minutiae of his escape, which he had forwarded to her, under cover to Captain Seaforth, only seven days after his supposed death.

The two inventors became warm friends, and each disclosed to the other the minutiae of his discoveries.

Sailors and their wives crowded around Wilkie's "Chelsea Pensioners," when first exhibited; French soldiers enjoy the minutiae of Vernet's battle-pieces; a lover can judge of his betrothed's miniature; and the most unrefined sportsman will point out the niceties of breed in one of Landseer's dogs.

"I don't know whether it is littleness or greatness, Robert, that must escape minutiae," said his companion, apparently his wife.

She examined with care all the minutiae of the handsome, unindividualized costume of black velvet worn by their visitor, but turned an absent ear to her talk, which brought out various facts relating to a numerous family of young children.

Your success thus represents the working out of a great moral principle, and to explain the practical minutiae of these august processes is not always quite respectable.

The object of the work is rather to demonstrate a general principle than to furnish all the minutiae of practice, though enough of these are given to serve the purpose of illustration.

The pupils whom I met were ladies, with the single exception of a young American, Mr. James S. MacKaye, to whom, as his favorite disciple and one designated to succeed him in his profession, Delsarte has imparted all the minutiae of his science.

In this way my father had the opportunity of noting down the minutiae of the "warning" or "vision" directly it was told him.

They were well-cut eyes, moreover, of a yellowish-brown color, and I used to remark as a little childfor children observe the minutiae of personal peculiarities much more closely than their eldersthat the iris of both orbs was speckled with green and golden spots, which seemed to mix and dilate occasionally, and gave them a decidedly kaleidoscopic effect.

(Aurora took pains to explain that she received these minutiae from Palmyre herself in later years.)

As regards the minutiae seen in the letters; the details respecting his house, furniture, servants, carriages, horses, postilions, and so on, these will be read with curiosity and interest.

We regulate the minutiae of coupling and signalling on the railways, but do not realise that the safety of the public depends even more directly upon their systems of patronage.

I asked him how he was able to remember such minutiae.

His mind invariably seized the minutiae of the evidence, and never seemed to see the point or the broad bearings of the case.

A good baseball player, for instance, tirelessly studies both the minutiae of his technique (as how to hold a bat, how to stand at the plate) and the big combinations and possibilities of the game.

When they cried and were in trouble I would take them in my lap, and I would say to them, with all sorts of tenderness" She had arranged that in her program, tooall the minutiae of what she would say to them in their distress.

No one will ever imagine character more deeply or more firmly than Homer did in, say, Achilles; but Apollonius was the man who showed how epic as well as drama may use the nice minutiae of psychological imagination.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  minutia