9 Verbs to Use for the Word mismanagements

Here are those proper for a frugal, and also for a sumptuous table, and if rightly observed, will prevent the spoiling of many a good dish of meat, the waste of many good materials, the vexation that frequently attends such mismanagements, and the curses not unfrequently bestowed on cooks with the usual reflection, that whereas God sends good meat, the devil sends cooks.

If Romeo and Juliet make a tragedy of it nowadays, they have only to blame their own mismanagement, for the world is with them as it has never been before, and all sensible fathers and mothers know it.

For a fortnight the newspapers in the territory tributary to the road had been full of strike talk, and Hildreth had said his say, deprecating the threatened appeal to force as fearlessly as he condemned the mismanagement which was provoking it.

In 1775 the well-meaning Earl of Dartmouth was superseded by Lord George Germain, who continued the mismanagement of colonial affairs for seven disastrous years.

" The General pursued, with anxious scrutiny, his investigation into the management of business, and found the charges and accounts to be very perplexed, and the result evincing mismanagement and unfaithfulness.

It is very painful to find such mismanagement as he deplores.

This sort of thing implies gross mismanagement, besides resulting in unnecessary wear and tear for the competitors.

This was to prevent possible mismanagement and because "to undertake the legal defence of others is the office of men."

As for my suffering the mismanagement you write about, I tell you that I could not be better off, or more faithfully served and attended to in all things.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  mismanagements