7 Verbs to Use for the Word misprinting

By the same gentleman's kindness I am able to correct the following misprints in the first volume: p. 37, l. 23, for "Yet can give," read, "Yet can I give.

In Mr. Farr's Introduction to the "Hymns and Songs" nine short extracts from other poems of Wither are quoted, and in these we have found no less than seven misprints or false readings which materially affect the sense.

[Footnote 6: The word in the Q. suggests fretfull a misprint for frightful.

May I point out rather a ludicrous misprint (doubtless owing to an illegible MS.) at p. 120.

In the "Fawn" we read, "Wise neads use few words," and the editor says in a note, "a misprint for heads"!

The old copy of 1611 reads, unto their wives, and it has been supposed a misprint for wines; but this seems doubtful taking the whole passage together, and the subsequent reference to the children.

[Footnote 7: I suspect a misprint in the Folio herethat an e has got in for a d, and that the change from the Quarto should be Not of the dye.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  misprinting