102 Verbs to Use for the Word monkey

"And there I saw a monkey.

Lyra killed a jacu for us, and Kermit killed two monkeys for the men.

In the afternoon, from the boat, Cherrie shot a large dark-gray monkey with a prehensile tail.

"My dranfadder says," she began, in a piping little voice, "dat when he was a little boy his fadder brought him a little monkey from de West Indies.

The cats are: an ocelot, a beautiful spotted and striped fiend, who hisses like a snake; a young jaguar, a clumsy, happy kitten, about as big as a pug dog, with a puny kitten's tail, who plays with the spider monkey, and only shows by the fast-increasing bulk of his square lumbering head, that in six months he will be ready to eat the monkey, and in twelve to eat the keeper.

You bet Scowl said something back that got the young feller's monkey up.

One day when he was hunting in the Punjab, he saw a mother monkey carrying a little dead baby monkey.

It's like catching a monkey; you put corn into a narrow-necked basket.

Then the king told the monkey to bring his master to call, and the monkey promised that after a few days he would.

Some of us who have brains love the monkeys, they are so human.

It was one o' these 'ere clever things that a man don't forget, let alone a lop-sided monkey like 'im.

Gee, but I hated to do it, but pa said the fate of the show depended on it and if I didn't take the part he would have to do it himself, and I knew pa wasn't the build of man to play the monkey, and so I said I would do it, but I will never do it again for any show.

A man who trains monkeys to act in plays used to purchase common kinds from the Zoological Society at the price of five pounds for each; but he offered to give double the price if he might keep three or four of them for a few days in order to select one.

Then he took it over to where an impromptu slack wire was strung between two posts, and set the monkey on this.

When day had come the mother perceived the monkey tied in the cradle.

The squatters thought us done when they fenced in all their run, But a prettier mistake they never made; You’ve only to sport your dover and knock a monkey over There’s cheap mutton for the Wallaby Brigade.

Wafer observed the monkeys in the island of Gorgonia to proceed in a similar manner; and those of the Cape of Good Hope, if we are to credit La Loubere, perpetually amuse themselves by transporting shells from the shore to the tops of mountains, with the intention undoubtedly of devouring them at leisure.

"You took that chattering monkey back, I suppose?" Piers started and seemed to awake.

Others have described the spider monkey as four legs and a tail, tied in a knot in the middle: but the tail is, without doubt, the most important of the five limbs.

From July 12 on the hunger motive was increased by feeding the monkey only in the apparatus and by so regulating the amount of food given in each trial that he should obtain barely enough to keep him in good physical condition.

Not a single monkey escaped, save only the female monkey who staid at home.

One female baboon had so capacious a heart that she not only adopted young monkeys of other species, but stole young dogs and cats, which she continually carried about.

Some of the people threw up stones, hoping to drive the monkey down; but this was strictly forbidden, or else, very probably, my brains had been dashed out.

So Salacsacan flew down and pecked a hole in the side of Botete, and the water rushed out and drowned all the monkeys.

Occasionally in recent years students of human diseases have employed monkeys or apes for experimental tests, but aside from the isolated results thus obtained, extremely little is known concerning the diseases peculiar to the various types of infra-human primates or the significant relations of their diseases to those of man.

102 Verbs to Use for the Word  monkey