21 Verbs to Use for the Word morale

R598800. Leave my old morale alone.

Upon finding himself alone with the young lady, he admits to having lost his morale.

CRONBACH, LEE J. Exploring the wartime morale of high-school youth.

Obligations, personnes physiques et morales.

It keeps up the morale, and makes them fitter and keener for the work when they go back to the trenches.

German spies, anarchists, peace fanatics, and other agitators succeeded in destroying the morale of some of the Russian troops in Galicia, where a retreat became necessary when unit after unit refused to obey orders.

More than a thousand Y huts under the name of "Foyers du Soldat" are helping to maintain morale in the French armyerected at the special request of the French Ministry of War.

Russian correspondents with the armies in Galicia asserted that German troops were interspersed with Austrian troops in the intrenchments in order to raise the morale of the Austrians.

If we reinstate the once almost universal morale, we need no italics, and there is no fear of confusion; if we adopt moral, we need italics, and there is no hope of getting them; it is at present printed oftener without than with them.

What I mean, let's not shatter its morale by some poky chance meeting with a lot of people round, whom it is none of their business what you and I do or don't do.

The piling up of these stores, the building of a fire to keep off the flies, and the portioning out of what little tobacco they had with them, wonderfully stiffened their morale.

During the war our amateur and other strategists have suppressed the English word morale and combined to force upon us in its stead the French (or Franco-German?) moral.

" "Sair, it teach de morale; de rock of de passion et les grands mouvements de l'ame!

The case for the spelling moral is that (1) the French use the word moral for what we used to call morale, and therefore we ought to do the same; and (2) the French use morale to mean something different from what we mean by it.

Though they threw into the fighting in March and April about 125 divisions, they failed to separate the French and British armies, which was a prime object of their strategy, and they sustained losses which, while not irreparable, must have greatly affected the morale of their men.

But in view of what happened later, I think it must be agreed that these continual raids and bombardments did their share in gradually wearing down the morale and power of resistance of the Austrian Army.

Unless troops are so thoroughly trained with the bayonet that they believe that with it they are superior to their opponents it will be difficult or impossible to develop that morale which is necessary for a successful assault.

He had developed the idea that women existed chiefly for the purpose of disorganizing the morale of the masculine members of the race.

It has helped the morale of the four Negro regiments beyond words.

The rebound from my depression imparted a fine morale.

For the more the public knows about its soldiers, the better the morale of the people, which reflects itself in the morale of the army.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  morale