17 Verbs to Use for the Word moralists

Their names, their years, spelt by th' unlettered Muse, The place of fame and elegy supply: And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die.

"On a bulk, in a cellar, or in a glass-house, among thieves and beggars, was to be found the author of The Wanderer, the man of exalted sentiments, extensive views, and curious observations; the man whose remarks on life might have assisted the statesman, whose ideas of virtue might have enlightened the moralist, whose eloquence might have influenced senators, and whose delicacy might have polished courts."

He aped the moralist, but exalted egoism and love of pleasure into proper springs of action, and honored talent disconnected with virtue.

A new doctrine,[10] received with screams a little while ago by canting moralists, and still not properly worked into the body of our thoughts, lights us a step farther into the heart of this rough but noble universe.

We shall elsewhere have to contemplate the moralist, standing on the border of his mother's grave, and asking, with anxious agony, whether that dark bourn, once passed, terminated for ever the cares of maternity and love[a].

He says, "here the unfortunate Savage has held his intellectual noctes, and enlivened the old moralist with his mad philosophy."

"And this?" asked Gideon Whipple, indicating the moralist.

Both Carlyle and Ruskin were professional men of letters; both in the voluminous compass of their works touched on a large variety of subjects; both wrote highly individual and peculiar styles; and both without being either professional philosophers or professional preachers, were as every good man of letters, whether he denies it or not, is and must be, lay moralists and prophets.

He has left the moralists to take care of themselves.

He pacified the sturdy moralist by delicate attentions to his needs.

We oftentimes disputed: thy intention Was ever good; but thou wert wont to play The Moralist and Preacher, and wouldst rail at me That I strove after things too high for me, Giving my faith to bold unlawful dreams, And still extol to me the golden mean Thy wisdom hath been proved a thriftless friend To thy own self.

They're putting the moralists out as cat's-paws to the fire!"

They gave precision to the questions under discussion; and their controversies defined the traditional opposition of ethical opinion, and separated moralists into two hostile schools known as Utilitarian and Intuitionist.

All this I could see, understanding the man so well and, in order to prevent a useless discussion that might disturb my sister, I managed to change the discourse before it was too late; I say too late, because it is not easy to shake off two moralists who sustain their doctrines as strongly as Mr. Hardinge and my mate.

A good fellow is one who abhors moralists and mathematics, and adores the classics and Caroline Mowbray.

"First thing you know you'll be dizzy," warned the moralist, Merle.

In regard to this, also, it may not be amiss to suggest that this passion for match-making lies at the bottom of the recent increase in divorce, which so alarms some timid moralists.

17 Verbs to Use for the Word  moralists