8 Verbs to Use for the Word mouthpieces

Doctrines and designs which a few years since could find no mouthpiece out of a bar-room, or the piratical den of a filibuster, are now clothed with power by the authentic response of the bench of our highest judicatory, and obsequiously iterated from the oracular recesses of the National Palace.

Now, made a knight of Arthur's Table Round, And since I knew this Earl, when I myself Was half a bandit in my lawless hour, I come the mouthpiece of our King to Doorm (The King is close behind me) bidding him Disband himself, and scatter all his powers, Submit, and hear the judgment of the King.

Heatherbloom pushed the nobleman's head abruptly aside, covering the mouthpiece with his hand.

Without the slightest pretense of considering or investigating these charges Congress and Senatelong the mouthpieces of Cientificismoratified the elections as just and legal.

From industrial groups lacking their own mouthpiece in print, to some of the dissidents then harassing the man whom Rajan got into mutually-arrogant ego-clashes with, Pratapsing Raoji Rane.

First, instead of the ordinary keyhole there was something exactly resembling the customary mouthpiece through which we whistle upstairs from the ground floor of a flat seeking to attract the people who rarely answer.

The test can afterward be made in a safe place, at some distance from the explosive atmosphere; and, owing to the vacuum formed, the ball (without closing the mouthpiece) has been carried a mile or more without the gas escaping.

He stepped forward, slapped the mouthpiece three times with the palm of his hand, rang off, rang on and slapped it again.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  mouthpieces