165 Verbs to Use for the Word muscles

A shorn curl fell to the ground, the consummate skill of the swordsman averted all further contact between his blade and the Christian, who remained erect and smiling, without having moved a muscle or an eyelash.

But as he squatted on his heels to-night, cursing the foot and a half of snow-shoe that held him away from the sullen fire, straining every muscle to keep the outstretched frying-pan over the best of the blaze, he said to himself that what had got him on the raw was that speech of the Boy's yesterday about the stuff he had to eat.

Every man who had bet against him set up a howl of rapture, but Mr. P. never relaxed a muscle, and on went Creeping Peter, just as fast as ever, his horny bones dashing away the sand and gravel like spray from the cut-water of a scudding yacht, and, amid the wildest clamor, he shot past the judges' stand on his nose and one leg, making his mile in two minutes and two seconds!

"I often practice walking sideways, for the purpose of developing the muscles on that side.

By having to do what you do not want to do, you are strengthening the muscles of your souland getting ready for a big job.

Already Barney felt his muscles ache from the strain.

It will first crawl about: this exercises every muscle in the body, does not fatigue the child, throws no weight upon the bones, but imparts vigour and strength, and is thus highly useful.

Flexion of the leg to a right angle, increases the distance from the lines of insertion on the pelvic bones to the tuberosities of the tibia by two or three inchesan amount of stretching these muscle cannot undergo.

There was no sign that this threat had made the easy traveller tighten a single muscle.

The thought stiffened my muscles, and strengthened my determination to win.

This illustrates the contraction of the biceps, and is popularly called "trying your muscle" Reverse the act.

Heat and thirst wasted him, the constant labor of the march hardened his muscles, and he got that forward look about his eyes, which comes with shadows under the lids and a constant frown on the forehead.

"These here Indian clubs always throw a man if he ain't got muscle in his arms; and this here little Chivalry has got arms like a couple of canes.

She was not so sure now of controlling the muscles of her mouth.

Not stir a muscle above the wrist.

I fought and struggled to loose myself, exerting every muscle, but alas!

A babe can use the muscles of swallowing on the first day of its life as well as it ever can.

Turnin' pine trees inter paper mus' be a job thet takes more muscle than brains.

In lack, then, of quick brain and sturdy spine and strong arm of paid workmen, he forced into his manufactories the flaccid muscle of serfs.

He was leaning very far forward, and he warded against the roll of the car by spreading out his right hand close to the floor; his left hand he poised with the knife, and he began to gather his muscles for the leap.

Age hardly counts in such a matter; and then it is not every boy of even his growth that could have brought muscles like those of Dab Kinzer to the swing he gave that four-foot length of seasoned ironwood.

Miss Nugent, although she treated him with scant courtesy herself, had a touching faith in his prowess, a faith partly due to her brother occasionally showing her his bicep muscles in moments of exaltation.

As they trotted down the slope, Nash looked to his equipment, handled his revolver, felt the strands of the lariat, and resting only his toes in the stirrups, eased all his muscles to make sure that they were uncramped from the long journey.

" "Yes, sir," said Robert, without changing a muscle of his face, but I saw that he too was of Mrs. Norton's opinion as to his master's oddity when he once got a notion in his head.

She saw that he was panic-stricken; his fear was choking him, stopping his heart, paralysing his muscles.

165 Verbs to Use for the Word  muscles