5 Verbs to Use for the Word nationals

Unfortunately the Young Turks were in a hurry to bring on their millennium, and careless of certain neighbouring powers, not formidable individually but to be reckoned with if united, to whom the prospect of regenerated Osmanlis assimilating their nationals could not be welcome.

The general secretary should be appointed by the great powers, if possible choosing a national of some other country.

When Cromwell insisted that the name would give security to his followers, and command the respect of the people, Whitelock rejoined, that it would change the state of the controversy between the parties, and convert a national into a personal quarrel.

They saw the other nationals here as objects of ridicule and spoilage.

With his dislike for the natives and his disdainful attitude toward the French, he had to seek other nationals in town, for there were none at Fa'a except a Chinese storekeeper.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  nationals