71 Verbs to Use for the Word newcomer

She sat in state in the great drawing-room with her hands folded on her lap and placidly arranged her proposed mode of greeting the newcomers.

"Whar's Johnnie Consadine?" asked the newcomer lazily, disposing himself with his back against a post and his long legs stretched across the upper step.

"Glinda!" said Ozma, instantly recognizing the newcomer.

He met the newcomers with a courageous front.

I lay it very close to my own conscience as a public man whether we can any longer stand at our doors and welcome all newcomers upon those terms.

Isn't that true?" demanded the newcomer, frowning at the thought that some unexpected legal tangle was about to appear.

If you treat newcomers like ourselves so much better than your own flock, it's more than likely that, if another lot of strange goats joined yours, we should then be neglected in favour of the last comers.

It was on spiritual matters that they sometimes disagreed; and on these points the Plymouthers watched the newcomers with suspicious sensitiveness, and resolved to maintain their dearly- purchased based rights to religious freedom, against any pretensions that might be made by the church of Boston.

He eyed the newcomer as though not yet quite willing to echo the warm invitation accorded him by Max.

"Will you permit me to present Mr. Francis Norgate to you, Karl?" Norgate, who had suddenly recognised the newcomer, rose to his feet, bowed and remained standing.

" Cassy regarded the newcomer rather scornfully.

"There he is!" cried Sam, and rushing forward, he caught John Powell by the hand, shook it, and relieved the newcomer of his suit case.

In the meantime Sinclair had received the newcomer in perfect silence, his head raised high, his thin mouth set in an Ugly linevery much as an eagle might receive an owl which floundered by mistake onto the same crag, far above his element.

Within a week the camp knew two facts concerning the newcomer.

The commonest way of convincing the newcomer that he has made a mistake is to persuade him to ride an exceptionally fractious pony.

What are you busy at?" cried the newcomer, swiftly approaching the table and taking the chair that Pacomius Borisovitch had just been knocked out of.

I had a list of beautiful names for sons and daughters, from which to designate each newcomer; but, as yet, not one on my list had been used.

The unregulated private employment office, the padrone and the sweat-shop are the agencies who direct the newcomers to jobs, whether it be in the city or out in the country camp.

Then his eyes rested on the child, who, like a well-behaved little boy, had been amusing himself with reading, and had now raised his face to examine the newcomer.

"That child!" exclaimed the newcomer.

When they saw the Spaniards establishing themselves upon their native soil, they were considerably troubled, and desired above all things either to expel the newcomers or to destroy them so completely that not even their memory should remain.

Carolina drew away her hands from Haines and faced the newcomer.

A runaway tenderfoot just fresh from school is not wanted on the cattle ranch, and although Western farmers are too good-natured to resent very severely the liberty taken, they never flatter the newcomer by holding out any inducements or making any prophecies as to his future.

With no more than a glance, her mistress turned, flung open the door of the room, hurried down the stair, passed out of the hall and so fronted these newcomers at the gallery.

The grizzlies gazed at each other, the newcomer crunching a fish as he looked.

71 Verbs to Use for the Word  newcomer