119 Verbs to Use for the Word nonsenses

'Don't let's talk nonsense.

My ambition is not at present higher than to write nonsense for the playhouses, to eke out a something contracted income.

There's law against all this, and I had warned them long before that I would stand no such nonsense.

If you don't stop that nonsense, people will be dubbing you a crank.

Our Carrie has been downstairs making the pudding for her old pappy; and a good pudding she makes, I can tell you!" Miss Caroline blushed more deeply than ever; Mr. Fitch stared her full in the face; Mrs. Gann said "Nonsense!"

"Nary a word," he said, brightly; then, with a sudden gravity: "If you happen to hear such nonsense again, Miss Falconer, you can, if you care to, contradict it flatly.

15, 16, makes nonsense of Ex. xxi.

Nor could anything have been devised better calculated to knock the nonsense out of a princeling than apprenticeship in the Danish navy.

" "I cannot tell, Sir." "Nonsense!

It is painful to see the forlorn attempts which are made to raise the condition of this noble race of men, to read the sad nonsense that is perpetrated for their benefit.

That will make you forget all your nonsense.

Distrustful sense with modest caution speaks, It still looks home, and short excursions makes; But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks, And never shocked, and never turned aside, Bursts out, resistless, with a thundering tide.

" "Look 'ere, we don't want none o' your nonsense," said the shopkeeper, sharply; "and, wot's more, we won't 'ave it.

"I can't accept it" "Nonsense!" grumbled Heywood, with an angry glance.

"Look here," exclaimed the overwrought Mr. Culpepper; "why not eat your pudding, and leave off talking nonsense?

How can you believe such nonsense?

Eliot said Colin would be a professional when he grew up, but his mother said he should be nothing of the sort and Eliot wasn't to go putting nonsense like that into his head.

If wiser men than Myron Sharpe never uttered more unpardonable nonsense under similar circumstances, cast your stones at him.

It must have sounded terrible nonsense to you, of course, but it was the only way I could think of to get him out of the place.

Carolyn June cried impatiently yet with a feeling somehow of impending danger she could not wholly define, "you've got to do it, so you had as well quit your nonsense and go ahead!"

You come from the East, where the Fusang cocks spit orient pearls; you studied in the Red Flower Pavilion; your eyes are bloodshot because"He lectured earnestly, repeating desperate nonsense, over and over.

Who knows what might happen before we can come again?" "Nonsense," said Kitwater.

One evening at Grote's inn I answered: "Nonsense, Max, nonsense," though I was so pleased with his gratitude I could have wept.

And Warburton, who had probably been exasperated in the same way, called his History of England the nonsense of a vagabond Scot.

I won't endure any nonsense at this stage of the game, believe me," he announced fiercely.

119 Verbs to Use for the Word  nonsenses