130 Verbs to Use for the Word nothings

" "I knew nothin' when I married you.

It's a wale o' tears an' we ain't got nuthin' else ter look fer but triberlation an' woe.

You ain't never told me nothin'.

"Signs don't mean nothin' to my boss," said George.

" "Well, I haven't said nuthin' to you before, 'cause I knowed it would only hurt you

Don't they learn you nothin' about obedience in them thar

"I never heard nothin' they was sayin'," she made haste to add.

I never git nuthin'.

"I used ter think," she confided to her bosom friend, "thet boarders wuz good fer nuthin' 'cept ter be an aggervation an' a plague; but I couldn't think o' nuthin' else ter do, an' I made up my mind I'd ruther put up with 'em than lose Miss Di-an, even ef their antics did make me gray-headed afore the year wuz out.

"I don't remember nothin' of my parents.

"What'n thunder's the use havin' city folks here, ef they don't buy nothin'?"

Angus," Mr. Batters went on; "and the only way to keep out of it is to give him to me, and then when they come out here with a search-warrant they won't find nothin'.

If I could only have a mother, that's what I want worst, a mother to kiss me every day, an' be good to me that way, like mothers are, you know; if I could only jest have that, I wouldn't want nothin' else, not never any more.

I never did care nothin' about it before.

" "Not a bit, boy; it costs me nothin' to give away an old gun that I've no use for, an's worth little, but it makes me right glad to have the chance to do it.

As fur that matter, 'tain't wuth nothin' to me.

You can whisper sweet nothings to her across the sounding sea, and bid her "sleep well" over leagues of primeval forest, and through the stoniest-hearted city her soft voice will find its way.

I'd as lieves ha' had nine chestnut rails,an' a little lieveser, 'cause they don't eat nothin'.

"Bless my soul, Miss Miriam," he said; "nobody in this world ever brought me nuthin' to eat, 'cause they know'd I didn't need it, an' gittin' the best of livin' right here in your house, Miss Miriam, an' if they had brought it I wouldn't have took it an' swallowed the family pride; an' what's more, the doctor's cook didn't bring that pie on purpose for me.

Yeou asked me in sport, I answered in airnest; but I don't expect nothin' unless yeou mean as I mean.

I remember when people wasn't given nothin' but blue mass, calomel, castor oil and gruel, and every body was healthier than they is now.

"Dere ain' gwine ter be no chance ter prove nothin', 'less'n we kin do it mighty quick!

" "Do not even the publicans the same?" "You will become a proficient chemist, converting the substance of my remarks to airy nothings through your gospel-retorts.

They've sent some money down to pay fer what's done, so you won't have to work fer nuthin'.

A young diplomat receives the thronging masses and talks empty nothings, including a great deal about France's sympathy for Serbia.

130 Verbs to Use for the Word  nothings