55 Verbs to Use for the Word oats

Eras you have mentioned, Patricia has certain notionsNorthern idiocies about the awfulness of a young fellow's sowing his wild oats, which you and I know perfectly well he is going to do, anyhow, if he is worth his salt.

But if it wasn't the fight that made you feel your oats, was it breaking Diablo?" "No breaking to it.

Be patriotic, old dear; eat less oats.

When she came to us, she had a trick of biting at a person who gave her oats.

You cannot take up a paper without having the question put, "Do you bruise your oats?"

Come up to the granarywe'll measure the oats.

The day was warm, the wild flowers were gone, and the plain was yellow with ripening oats which rustled noisily as we passed through, crowding and bumping their neighborly heads together.

And opening a second door alongside the other, we found Cesar and Sausage munching their oats.

"I was at the market-town to-day to sell some oats for my master, and there was a hue and cry, some of them thought they had got him, but it was a false alarm.

The principal owners of the Sea Lion, of Holmes' Hole, were husbandmen also; folk who literally tilled the earth, cradled their own oats and rye, and mowed their own meadows.

People had found oat the worth of the piece, you see.

In defining "oats," for example, as a grain given in England to horses and in Scotland to the people, he indulges his prejudice against the Scotch, whom he never understood, just as, in his definition of "pension," he takes occasion to rap the writers who had flattered their patrons since the days of Elizabeth; though he afterwards accepted a comfortable pension for himself.

Rendered timid by the repeated failure of crops, the poor people would set aside a part of their land to sow together oats, barley, and wheat, in the hope that whatever were the season something would come up which might serve for the rough black bread which was their main food.

It was about stealing the oats.

His young master would often let him loose in the yard, and when Jonas started to go in, the horse, Major, would follow him to the door, and when he turned him into the pasture, no one could so well catch him as Jonas; for every time he took him from the pasture, Jonas would give him some oats; so when he saw his master coming for him, he remembered the oats, and would come directly to him.

These persons did not for a moment suspect, or imagine, that a three year old mule has so many loose teeth in his mouth as to be hardly able to crack a grain of corn, or masticate his oats.

6d. mowing oats, 1s.

During our walk we noticed the wild oat in great abundance.

" P.T.W. Our facetious correspondent does not notice the golden oats; but doubtless he recollects the anecdote of the horse mistaking a lady's hat with a tuft of oats for a moving manger stocked with his natural provender.

But kindness is very catching, and at the Farm everybody was kind, from the House People to the big gray horses in the barn, which let the chickens pick up oats from between their powerful hoofs, without ever frightening them by moving.

Slowly the ponies approached, as though deciding whether they preferred their oats or their liberty.

To prepare oats for food, the husk, which is wholly indigestible in character, must be thoroughly removed.

The groom, in the old story, had never learned the art of greasing horses' teeth, to prevent their eating oats, until the confessor, in interrogating him as to his sins, asked him the question.

When I said 'Eat less meat', what I meant was that you must refuse your oats at dinner tonight.

Of the -cerealia-, rye was not cultivated in antiquity; and the Romans of the empire were astonished to rind that oats, with which they were well acquainted as a weed, was used by the Germans for making porridge.

55 Verbs to Use for the Word  oats