11 Verbs to Use for the Word ogres

They said, "We are only waiting to lay some wily plan to capture the Ogre.

Otherwise he would not dare to face the awful, clinging arms of the Cuttle, that ogre of the deep sea.

Venetia played about for some little time; she made a castle behind a tree, and fancied she was a knight, and then a lady, and conjured up an ogre in the neighbouring shrubbery; but these daydreams did not amuse her as much as usual.

He thought of that mass of Henner hairhe loved to think of her as a creation of the fanciful Hennerhe thought of her asleep and dreaming in blissful security while he, with all the loyalty of an imaginative boy, was standing guard just as he had pictured himself in those heroic days when he substituted himself for the story-book knight who stood beneath the battlements and defied the covetous ogre.

So from far and near, indeed from almost every country under the sun, came knights and princes to fight the Ogre.

The hunter took aim and fired, hitting the ogre between the eyes as he was sitting down.

When the mothers heard that the monkey had taken the children to the hill, they were still more unhappy, for in the hill lived a rakhas (ogre) but it was too late to go in search of them that night.

But he was brought so far round as to think that if nothing but his own consent were wanting, his girl would be allowed to go and meet the ogre.

That, thenher trinket, the crowning ornament of her Holy Cross holiday attire, that was what she was offering the old ogre of the Yukonfor his unworthy sake.

The despairing lover resembled an ogre who had not dined for two whole days, and was ready to devour the first comer.

He spied the ogre, at once stopping and raising his claws as Crabs do, like a boxer ready to fight.

11 Verbs to Use for the Word  ogres