4 Verbs to Use for the Word orientations

"If we persist in treating the massacres of Christians as an internal affair of Turkey, which is only important to us because it ensures us the Turks' friendship, then we must change the orientation of our German Kulturpolitik.

He made these explorations afoot, opining that, at first, the use of street cars or the "L" would tend to confuse his orientation.

The month which intervened before they could exert direct influence upon the situation enabled us to consolidate the new orientation.

Ghondati quite saw that "this fact was producing a steady and permanent orientation of Russian opinion towards England, which, if cultivated by British statesmanship, would eventually give my country everything she required, while those whose help was always surrounded with conditions would have great difficulty to retain the advantages they secured only under the pressure of circumstances.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  orientations