38 Verbs to Use for the Word outcast

On one occasion, knowing that the pursuers were coming to New Haven, the Rev. Mr. Davenport preached on the text, "Hide the outcasts; betray not him that wandereth.

In its spirit and design, the gospel overlooked noneleast of all, the outcasts of a selfish world.

It is the oracle of Jehovah, who gathereth the outcasts of Israel, 'I will gather still others to him in addition to those already gathered.'

" I must beg leave to stop here for a moment, just to pay the Quakers a due tribute of respect for the proper estimation, in which they have uniformly held the miserable outcasts of society, who have been the subject of these minutes.

Thus Leonard Beaufort, with genius which would have done honour to his profession, died a miserable outcast, through its misuse; whilst his noble-minded daughter, by industry, integrity, and perseverance, rose by slow but sure degrees to competence, and enjoys that peace known only to those who pursue a virtuous course.

In Ostend I had seen the Belgian refugees in flight, and I had seen them pouring into London stations, bedraggled outcasts of every class, with the staring uncertainty of the helpless human flock flying from the storm.

So we stand before the tender judgment-seat Of the world, and it calls me vile, So low that it is a wonder God will let His joyous sunshine gild my guilty head with its smiles, An outcast barred beyond the pale of hope, Beyond the lamp of their mercy's flickering light, They would scarcely wonder if the earth should ope And swallow up the wretch from their vexed sight.

The People indeed never failed to console the outcast by its sympathy, but Authority felt no such sympathy, and rather regarded this very sympathy as a dangerous symptom of anarchy.

Like an outlandish doll, with face contorted and thick-lidded eyes shut tightly against the sunshine, the outcast whimpered, too near the point of death for even the rebellion of arms and legs.

"You were saying?" "Rome is safed!" cried the outcast, with sudden enthusiasm.

"I was not born," he said, "to drag on the remainder of life a degraded outcast; nor will I so die that my fate shall make a holiday to the vulgar herd.

And hither home I came when it was eve; And here I dwell an outcast from all joy, And shall, unless I see her soon in Troy.

He is called not only to gather the outcasts of Israel, but also as an apostle to bring light to all the nations of the earth.

None but the mind of a poet could imagine such outcasts venturing to raise their thoughts to the beauty of a Brahmin's daughter; and a touching tale in such creative fancy, no doubt, it would make, for, from their outward appearances, I do not perceive why they should not be endowed with minds as sensitive at least as those of the castes above them.

Is there not a justification for those fine words of Skobeleff after the capture of Gheok Tepe, when the conquered feared reprisals from the victors: "In Central Asian politics we know no outcasts?"

"I knowfeels himself an outcast and all that.

"Take heed," the latter said, "not to bring ruin on this city and upon thyself the curse of God!" Piero outlived his cowardly surrender and shameful flight three yearsan outcast from his country and a disgrace to his family.

She sends her noblest sons down into the shadows and pitchforks her outcasts into the high places of life.

Rather, we say to the government of Spain, let a fair protection be the rule, restrictions the exceptions, prohibition the obsolete outcast, of your fiscal and commercial policy.

Dick, in all the agonized uncertainty of that night of peril, thinks with wonder on the mysterious resources Nature provides its helpless outcasts.

If any familiar had failed to detect Lance Harriott in this hideous masquerade of dust and grime and tatters, still less would any passing stranger have recognized in this blonde faun the possible outcast and murderer.

the money of a man who had inflicted upon me injuries, less than those which he had entailed upon himself, but the greatest that one man can inflict upon another? who had blasted my youth, who had destroyed my peace, who had held me up to the abhorrence of mankind, and rendered me an outcast upon the face of the earth?

That bag was beginning to grow heavy," replied the overjoyed outcast; and presently, with a ready eye to business, she added, "And since Bridget is gone, who knows

402; makes it, ib., n. 2; wine, use of, i. 103, n. 3; wisdom, his trade was, iii. 137, n. 1; wit, extraordinary readiness, iii. 80; Garrick's account of it, ii. 231; woman, rescues an outcast, iv.

It is my duty to try all probable methods to restore the poor outcast to favour.

38 Verbs to Use for the Word  outcast