55 Verbs to Use for the Word ownership

The vendor of Delhi jewellery will be there and the Sind-work-box-walla, with his small, compressed white turban and spotless robes, and the Cashmere shawl merchant and many more, pressing on the gentleman's notice for the last time their most tempting wares and preparing for the long bout of fence which will decide at what point between "asking price" and "selling price" each article shall change ownership.

Primary functions of government favoring public ownership.

"Just to show her that Bully West has branded her and claims ownership.

When J.W. was six, going on seven, the family moved to Delafield, though retaining ownership of the farm, and for years J.W. spent nearly every Saturday on the old place, in free and blissful association with the Shenk children, whose father was the tenant.

The heathen could plead in his defence the fortunes of war, and the hostility of an opposing tribe, but the white man who enslaved his child warred upon his hapless offspring and wrote chattel upon his condition when his hand was too feeble to hurl aside the accursed hand and recognize no other ownership but God.

In the first place, silver blacks are so few in number that any one selling a cub or a pelt can be tracked, and made to prove ownership.

The Restoration, however, caused Farmer Timothy to welcome his relative home in the warmest manner, and the brothers were not only reconciled in their old age, but the elder made haste to transfer the ownership of Barracombe to the younger, in terror lest his own disloyalty should be rewarded by confiscation of the family acres.

They did not act in concert, and since the laws of the State require every brand to be registered, in order to establish ownership, the rustlers had as much right to their own brands as the legitimate cowmen.

" He then bowed, picked up his hat and left the room with such evidences of annoyance that, like school-children, no delegate was willing to admit the ownership of the paper.

In England everywhere these works are subject to public control, and the tendency is for this control, which implies part ownership, to develop into full ownership.

Successive statutes in 1870, 1874, and 1882 finally abrogated the law which gave the husband full ownership of his wife's property by the mere act of marriage.

As regards ownership of land early Irish law is very peculiar, and requires to be carefully studied.

At this time she claimed to have acquired the ownership of certain works of his.

Surely, you don't think me a profligate?" "When the time comes that no human being acknowledges your ownership, perhaps you may receive a voluntary bond-maid, bound to you by stronger ties than the chattel of the slave.

Marie St. Clair, who, on Spiritual authority as I have shown above, shares the ownership with Sister Belle of 'Yorick's' skull in my possession, has never failed to assent whenever I ask a Spirit if it be she.

No external label suggested its ownership or uses, but through one corner, blackened and formidable in its contrast to the peaceful purposes of the volume, a hole had been bored.

But it was not a matter of great importance at that time if the stock was mislaid, since there was no one to contest my ownership of it.

One would not point to a house and say, "This is my ownership," but either, "This is my property," or "I exercise ownership over it."

To express ownership with emphasis or distinction, we employ neither these compounds nor any others; but always use the simple possessives with the separate adjective own: as, "With my own eyes,""By thy own confession,""To his own house,""For her own father,""By its own weight,""To save our own lives,""For your own sake,""In their own cause.

Ah, it's a great thing to feel the ownership of the land, Martin.

It forbids corporate ownership of stock in a competing corporation, forbids interlocking directorates in large banks and in other competing corporations, with capital, surplus and undivided profits aggregating more than $1,000,000.

Likewise if you devote time and effort to gaining ownership of words, you should exercise foresight in determining whether they will yield you commensurate returns.

" The other articles guarantee to the members of the commune of Noyon the complete ownership of their property, and the right of not being handed over to justice save before their own municipal magistrates.

All men of sane and wholesome thought must dismiss with impatient contempt the plea that these continents should be reserved for the use of scattered savage tribes, whose life was but a few degrees less meaningless, squalid, and ferocious than that of the wild beasts with whom they held joint ownership.

Property means ownership, and "ownership" is the abstract noun expressing the quality of possessing a thing.

55 Verbs to Use for the Word  ownership