32 Verbs to Use for the Word paine

Then would I thinke these paines no paines at all, And all my woes to be but penance small.

Then thinke not long in taking litle paine To knit the knot that ever shall remaine.

And will my fortune neuer better bee? Wilt thou, I say, for euer breed my paine, And wilt thou not restore my Ioyes againe? Frisco.

La. Your noise will bring my paine back agen; if you knew what a vexation it were for me to speake, You wo'not put me too't so.

Item, That no one commit any nuisance within either of the courts, vppon paine of 1d. VII.

Nor anie one doth care to call us in, Or once vouchsafeth us to entertaine, Unlesse some one perhaps of gentle kin, 345 For pitties sake, compassion our paine, And yeeld us some reliefe in this distresse; Yet to be so reliev'd is wretchednesse.

We hope your worship will consider our paines?

[Sease Musicke] But stay, the musikes husht; I hope theyle appeare; I doe feale no such paine in my wounds that I had need of musicke to bring me to sleepe.

Reads.) Goe, and the bold Physitian play; But touch the King and drive away The paine he feeles; but first assay To free the Christians: if the King pay Thy service ill, expect a day When for reward thou shalt not stay.

Haste againe: No time too swift to ease a Lovers paine.

For if that Time make ende of things so sure, It als will end the paine which I endure.

Truste me, your verses I like passingly well, and enuye your hidden paines in this kinde, or rather maligne and grudge at your selfe, that woulde not once imparte so muche to me.

Spying the tree destroid, the water dride, Himselfe smote with his beake, as in disdaine, And so foorthwith in great despight he dide; That yet my heart burnes in exceeding paine For ruth and pitie of so haples plight.

The devil, amazed and disgusted at laws which "excell the paines of hell," turns to go, whereupon the apparitor seeks to arrest and fine him for traveling on the Sabbath.

LONG SINCE DEDICATED TO THE MOST NOBLE AND EXCELLENT LORD, THE EARLE OF LEICESTER, LATE DECEASED. Wrong'd, yet not daring to expresse my paine, To you, great Lord, the causer of my care, In clowdie teares my case I thus complaine Unto your selfe, that onely privie are.

245 Then let thy flinty hart, that feeles no paine, Empierced be with pittifull remorse, And let thy bowels bleede in every vaine, At sight of his most sacred heavenly corse, So torne and mangled with malicious forse; 250 And let thy soule, whose sins his sorrows wrought, Melt into teares, and grone in grieved thought.

and I arose and hade a paine in my feet and leags some time after an our or too it remained.

I cannot choose but pitty her, that any woman should hold so much paine in a hollow tooth.

My bread shall be the anguish of my mynd, 375 My drink the teares which fro mine eyes do raine, My bed the ground that hardest I may fynd; So will I wilfully increase my paine.

Nothing with him; I heare the man is dead, And if he be not, I have lost my paines.

"The good and righteous he away doth take, To plague th'unrighteous which alive remaine; But the ungodly ones he doth forsake, 360 By living long to multiplie their paine; Else surely death should be no punishment, As the Great Iudge at first did it ordaine, But rather riddance from long languishment.

saide he halfe wrothfully, "To seeke to heare that which cannot be told; For the huge anguish, which doeth multiply My dying paines, no tongue can well unfold; Ne doo I care that any should bemone 75 My hard mishap, or any weepe that would, But seeke alone to weepe, and dye alone.

420 To whom shall I my evill case complaine, Or tell the anguish of my inward smart, Sith none is left to remedie my paine, Or deignes to pitie a perplexed hart; But rather seekes my sorrow to augment 425 With fowle reproach, and cruell banishment?

"And ye, ray fellow Shepheards! which do feed Your carelesse flocks on hils and open plaines, 520 With better fortune than did me succeed, Remember yet my undeserved paines; And when ye heare that I am dead or slaine, Lament my lot, and tell your fellow-swaines That sad Aleyon dyde in lifes disdaine.

To requite your paine Shall I intreat you beare a present from me? Phy.

32 Verbs to Use for the Word  paine