416 Verbs to Use for the Word pair

"Why don't you write home and ask your people to buy you a new pair of braces, instead of mending those old ones up with string?

Your poor and honest friends wear out several pairs of shoes, the tariff bill is passed, your mine or mill is abundantly protected, and the country is saved.

" He took from his bag a long pair of hollow pliers which he inserted in the lock and then screwed tightly, clutching the end of the key.

Yet on seeing this ominous pair, Nelly Lebrun cried out softly in delight.

He sat down on a bank, and was proceeding to put them on, when he discovered that, by some oversight, he had brought out the wrong pair.

I have found many pairs of the horns of the old rams considerably battered, doubtless a result of fighting.

Don't you remember that Santa Claus gave Bushy-Tail a pair of magic mittens?" Tippy Toes said, politely, "Please tell me about it.

Why, she got a pair of sheep shears and cropped him closer'n a state prison bird, and tryin' to lift a house full of fokes, it fell onto him and smashed him.

If I separate one of the middle rings, say the third, I find it carries upon its under surface a pair of limbs or appendages, each of which consists of a stalk and two terminal pieces.

When the body of Mother Shipton had been committed to the snow, Mr. Oakhurst took the Innocent aside and showed him a pair of snow-shoes, which he had fashioned from the old pack-saddle.

It was agreed that the two occupants of the "Main-top" had special opportunity for getting out of the house if so minded; every other room had one or more fellows in it who had suffered the loss of some property; and lastly, Kennedy was known to possess a pair of hob-nailed fishing-boots, which he usually kept under his bed.

and I can hardly hope to hold the Army pair back.

He sent over a pair of shawls, a white one for her, and a black one with palm-leaves for her mother, and a pair of red scarfs, as winter wrappers, for old Mr. Sedley and George.

The game's up, my man." Inspector Chippenfield produced a pair of handcuffs as he spoke.

Oh, I've always wanted a pair!"

He had noticed that she had been rather preoccupied during dinner, an unusual mood for so lively a girl, and now he could not help watching the pair in the distance, she talking with an earnest, troubled expression, and he listening to her story in grave wonderment, now and again interposing a few words.

" The man who had burst in with Tommy, a lithe, hard-looking fellow in a blue suit, walked crisply across the room, and pulling out a pair of light hand-cuffs snapped them round von Brünig's wrists.

On this occasion I was mounted on a most excellent horse belonging to the railroad company, and could easily have made my escape; but of course I could not leave Scotty who was driving a pair of mules hitched to the wagon.

Suddenly Miss Slayback adjusted her tam-o'-shanter to its flop over her right ear, and, drawing off a pair of dark-blue silk gloves from over immaculately new white ones, entered Ceiner's Café Hungarian.

"And was that where they always stood, the pair of them, one on each end of the dining-room mantel?

What good would it do?" "Why, you could knit your mother a pair of stockings.

" Very much astonished Polly Burton looked over the top of her newspaper, and fixed a pair of very severe, coldly inquiring brown eyes upon him.

Caesar was very glad to receive the pair and learned from them about Antony's condition, what he was doing, what he had in mind, what was written in his will, and the name of the man that had it; for they had taken part in sealing it.

It was in this sartorial industry that Jack, coming in, presently discovered the pair.

" She turned upon him a pair of solemn eyes, out of which the merry sparkle had faded.

416 Verbs to Use for the Word  pair