56 Verbs to Use for the Word pallor

The kind-featured woman saw the pallor on his face and the tremor on his lips, and led him to a chair.

His dark face showed growing pallor.

In taking the glasses from her, Joseph noticed her pallor.

He couldn't speak and was rapidly turning a deathly pallor.

I was silent, and her face took on an awful pallor.

Everybody observed the sudden pallor of the countess; it was a public rejection.

His shoulders, too, seemed to have broadened, and his face had lost its cadaverous pallor.

But it wrung my heart to look at her, to see how, day by day, she grew ever more thin and haggard; to watch the growing pallor of her cheek; to look into her solemn grey eyes, so sad and tragic and yet so brave and defiant of fate.

Jupiter's countenance wore, for some minutes, as deadly a pallor as it is possible, in the nature of things, for any negro's visage to assume.

She had eaten heartily, but all the color had left her face, which had assumed a waxy pallor under her heavy hair, which was still damp.

If he was pale, the dust and grime of his fight in the cavern concealed his pallor.

For the moment his heart stopped beating; he could almost feel the pallor in his face, he could almost see the look of horror in his own eyes.

The sun had given them a dull pallor, and on the West African coast nobody sleeps much.

The lights of the ball-room, fortunately lowered, had hidden the pallor of Hermia's face but she realized, when they suddenly blazed, that Trevvy Morehouse was looking at her curiously, that her fingers were ice-cold and that, when she spoke a word or two in reply to his anxious query, her voice was strangely unfamiliar.

" He paused and waited until Sir Stephen's ashy face had resumed a less deathly pallor.

The red coverlet drawn up over his shoulder helped to emphasize his deadly pallor.

"But," said Anna, while Flora enjoyed her pallor, "all that is about the first day's fight!"

" He did not immediately reply; the struggle going on within him was only too plainly betrayed by engorged veins upon his forehead and exceeding pallor of countenance.

Nina, knew, of course, what the effect of her announcement would be upon Vera, but she had not expected the sudden thin pallor which stole like a film over her sister's face, the withdrawal, the silence.

But to-night he was in an unusual mood, and it quickly occurred to him that even if his supposition were true it did not explain the pallor in the girl's face and the strange entreaty which had glowed for an instant in her eyes.

And as it is sometimes easier to faint than to endure; so it was easier for certain artists to express the pallor and prostration of insensibility, than the sublime faith and fortitude which in that extremest hour of trial conquered even a mother's unutterable woe.

Beth Truba's face was upturned to the lightto the last pallor of day.

In all three we find the same ghastly pallor, the same sleeplessness which compelled them to rise, and pace their rooms at night, the same incessant suspicion; the same inordinate thirst for cruelty and torture.

Her response made even Buck forget her pallor.

"He gets that pallor from his mother," said John.

56 Verbs to Use for the Word  pallor