12 Verbs to Use for the Word pantaloon

Or will yeye bullying Syrens!grow whiskers and wear pantaloons, and put us in station-houses, and clear us out of the Census altogether?

Do you see that?" said he, rolling up his pantaloons to his knees, revealing a deep scar on both sides of the calf of his leg, as if it had been pierced by a bullet.

I went to the overseer's house, the dog lay in the piazza, as soon as I put my foot upon the floor, he sprang and bit me just above the knee, but not severely; he tore my pantaloons badly.

"Yes, sir!" said Mr. Jinks, irate at the recollection of those old sceneshe had been compelled to mend the torn pantaloons more than once"yes, sir, and the wretches have proceeded even to shooting and cutting, which is worthy of them, sir!

And then he danced, and capered, and fidgeted, and pulled up his pantaloons, and hugged his intolerable flannel vestment closer about his poetic loins; anon he gave it loose to the zephyrs which plentifully insinuate their tiny bodies through every crevice, door, window, or wainscot, expressly formed for the exclusion of such impertinents.

I had once been tried on a charge of purloining pantaloons, and been acquitted for lack of evidence; but now, here was the proof!

Instantly he sprang to his feet and clutched his pantaloons, shouted to the assistant editor, when he, too, read and grasped frantically at his cassimeres, called to the reporters and pressmen and typos and devils, who all rushed in, heard the news, seized their nether garments and joined the general chorus, "My breeches!

Here was a woman resolved to steal their pantaloons, their trousers, and when these were gone they might cry "Ye have taken away my gods, and what have I more?"

But when the question became the possession of forty muskets, and the arming of two ordnance sergeants, "men with worsted epaulettes on their shoulders and stripes down their pantaloons" in the language of the Secretary of War, that eminent functionary could sacrifice his rest and slumber to the crisis.

Before I took off my pantaloons I felt my purse, which contained the four hundred francs; a moment after I had lost it; this was the completion of all my misfortunes.

This forward gosling displayed white duck pantaloons, brandished pumps on his feet, which looked flat enough to have been webbed, and was scented as to his marital locks with a far-reaching pestilence of bergamot and cinnamon.

His perfidy commenced less than a week after I had given him my third best pantaloons and three sous to get his hair cut, thus making a man of him.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  pantaloon