7 Verbs to Use for the Word parvenu

Was he,a man of ancient and noble family;to be hastily condemned by his fellow-nobles on the word of this 'foreigner', as he contemptuously called Cicerothis parvenu from Arpinum?

He could not rely for support upon the haughty magnates who could trace their descent back for centuries and despised the parvenu with a shorter pedigree and a smaller estate.

For all that, however, Hunyady had a good deal of trouble with the chief aristocrats, Garay, Czillei, Ujlaki, who, envying the parvenu his sudden promotion and despising his obscure origin, took up arms to resist his authority.

" If Marivaux was preeminently admired in England for his Spectateur, he was scarcely less so for his novels; there is no doubt that Marianne inspired Richardson's Pamela and Clarissa Harlowe, and that le Paysan parvenu had its influence upon Fielding's Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones.[100] Opinions differ greatly as to the comparative merits of Marivaux the novelist and Marivaux the dramatist.

Judging by the description of it here, it must be a kind of gim-crack villa like those one sees in Italy, built by men resembling thisthis parvenu.

There are so many people at hand to teach the parvenu how to furnish his house, or how to choose his stud.

It is wonderful what good use a parvenu can make of his money nowadays, and how rarely he disgraces himself by any marked offences against good taste.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  parvenu