48 Verbs to Use for the Word peach

For the taste and perfection of what we esteem the best, he can truly say, that the French, who have eaten his peaches and grapes at Shene in no very ill year, have generally concluded that the last are as good as any they have eaten in France on this side Fontainebleau; and the first as good as any they have eat in Gascony.

"It's round and furrymy honeybunch brought me a peach!

Summertime, Miss Lelia would plant plenty of fruit, and we would have fried apples, stewed peaches and things.

Place a layer of this mixture in an oiled pudding dish, add the peaches, cover with the remainder of the tapioca, and bake for an hour in a moderate oven.

The former is characterized by a very delicate down, while the latter is smooth; but, as a proof of their identity as to species, trees have borne peaches in one part and nectarines in another; and even a single fruit has had down on one side and the other smooth.

'Peeling a peach' would be treated anywhere as a dubious attention.

Some prefer June strawberries and others September peaches, that is all.

Peel and chop some peaches and mix with sugar to taste.

Anyway, I know a peach of a place on a big rock near the shore.

" "What a shame it is," exclaimed Malcolm, in great indignation, "to have our best peaches eaten by wretched little worms who might just as well eat grass and leave the peaches for us!"

The men were not obliged to get their fresh meat by picking maggots out of dried apples and dried peaches as has been the case sometimes in the past on our "Wild West Frontier."

Connected with the doctor's premises was an extensive peach orchard, and, sad to say, naughty boys would sometimes climb over the orchard wall and pilfer his peaches.

PEACH JELLY.Stone, pare, and slice the peaches, and steam them in a double boiler.

Make a nice smooth, batter in the same manner as directed in recipe No. 1393, and skin, halve, and stone the peaches, which should be quite ripe; dip them in the batter, and fry the pieces in hot lard or clarified dripping, which should be brought to the boiling-point before the peaches are put in.

It's nothing to worry about really, because even on the basis of a bigger investment than we had any idea of making when we went in, it figures a peach of a profit.

They had quitted the drawing-room all together, but Madaline had gone to gather some peaches.

" "Wonder he hasn't got a peach of a receiver set up in his house," Lucy Shore ventured.

Baby did I git me some peaches.

There was cheese-cakes that she made after a little secret of her own; an' a bowl of junket, an inch deep in cream, that bein' his pet dish; an' all kind o' knick-knacks, wi' grapes an' peaches, an' apricots,

And now, as he paused, disbelieving his very eyes, he saw that in her extended hand she held a great ripe peach.

Let the fruit be gathered in dry weather; wipe and weigh it, and remove the stones as carefully as possible, without injuring the peaches much.

Montanus and Mercurialis out of Avenzoar, admit peaches, pears, and apples baked after meals, only corrected with sugar, and aniseed, or fennel-seed, and so they may be profitably taken, because they strengthen the stomach, and keep down vapours.

PEACH BUTTER Weigh the peaches after they are pared and pitted.

Cecilia's companions at length recollected that, though she had embroidered a tulip and painted a peach better than they, yet that they could play as well, and keep their tempers better: she was thrown out.

Why, I'll bet a ripe peach that Bill Peck was one of the doggondest finest soldiers you ever saw.

48 Verbs to Use for the Word  peach