33 Verbs to Use for the Word peeling

Then add the grated peel of a lemon, 1/4 of a grated nutmeg and the yolks of 6 eggs well beaten with 1 cup of sugar.

Sprinkle with salt, cayenne pepper and grated lemon peel.

Stone and shred the raisins rather small, chop the suet finely, and rub the bread until all lumps are well broken; pound the spice to powder, cut the candied peel into thin shreds, and mix all these ingredients well together, adding the sugar.

If to be served hot, remove the peel quickly, cut the beetroot into thick slices, and send to table melted butter.

I should have indulged in profane allusions to the person who had thoughtlessly thrown the peeling upon the ground if by some mischance the accident had happened to me.

Chop the suet finely; mix with it the flour, treacle, lemon-peel minced, and candied lemon-peel; add the cream, lemon-juice, and 2 well-beaten eggs; beat the pudding well, put it into a buttered basin, tie it down with a cloth, and boil from 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Time.3-1/2 to 4 hours.

"Marjie, you are taking too thick peels," remonstrated her mother.

" The old custom, too, of throwing an apple-peel over the head, marriage or single blessedness being foretold by its remaining whole or breaking, and of the peel so cast forming the initial of the future loved one, finds many adherents.

If tobacco failed him, he scraped and dried willow peelings, and called them kinnickinnick.

He ate even the peelings, and refused to drop a bit to his friend, who was patiently begging under the tree.

Still another, while the currants were being looked over, and a third, more brilliant than either, while she chopped the candied peel.

Sweeten and flavour the milk, either by infusing a little lemon-peel in it, or by adding a few drops of essence of vanilla; well whisk the eggs, and stir these to the milk.

Then he made up his mind that he would get under the next one and knock the peeling off it.

Halve, scoop out, then scrape inside; lay the peel in salt water overnight.

When cold, stir in the lemon-juice, which should be carefully strained, and pour the mixture into a well-oiled mould, leaving out the lemon-peel, and set the mould in a pan of cold water until wanted for table.

Boil sufficient potatoes to make 1/2 lb. when mashed; add to these the butter, eggs, milk, sherry, lemon-juice, and sugar; mince the lemon-peel very finely, and beat all the ingredients well together.

Cut off the meat from the inside, mince it, and mix with it some minced lemon-peel; put it into sufficient Béchamel to warm through.

The ships are surrounded by boats filled chiefly by women, who pick up orange-peel and offal, and everything that is thrown overboard.

He records his minutest traits, such as his habit of pocketing the orange peels at the club, and his superstitious way of touching all the posts between his house and the Mitre Tavern, going back to do it, if he skipped one by chance.

He ranged the peel upon the log where the flame would get it, and then settled himself in the big chair.

[358th] Letter in Mrs. Piozzi's Collection, where it appears that he recommended 'dried orange-peel, finely powdered,' as a medicine.

Pare the lemons, squeeze them, and boil the peel until tender enough to mash.

New potatoes, if well brushed or scraped do not require peeling.

Piers resumed the peeling of his stick with minute attention.

To make one quart, provide two fine fresh lemons, and rub off the outer peel upon a few lumps of sugar; put the sugar into a bowl with four ounces of powdered sugar, upon which press the juice of the lemons, and pour over one pint and a half of very hot water that has not boiled, then add a quarter of a pint of rum, and the same quantity of brandy; stir well together and strain it, and let it stand a few minutes before it is drank.

33 Verbs to Use for the Word  peeling