23 Verbs to Use for the Word pelts

He carried a tidy bunch of fur along with him, having stopped to remove the pelts on the way.

Scattergood appraises the pelt of a skunk.

" Elated at his success, Horace was starting toward his prize when his father called him back to help carry the pelt.

He rose to his feet and arranged and rearranged the pelts to please his fancy.

"I wonder whether he'll bother taking the pelts of those four dogs?" ventured Will, as he and his two friends walked briskly along.

And so they rode to Daphne full pelt, greatly to the anger of the too well dressed Antiochenes, who cursed them for the mud they splashed from wayside pools and for the dung and dust they kicked up into plucked and penciled faces.

"Sure they do say, if ye dhraw a summer mink an' turrn th' pelt inside out like a glove, the winther fur will sprout insidewid fashtin' an' prayer.

She tuk her dip, then walked unto the land, To dry her royal pelt she ran along the strand.

Haw-Haw took down the lantern and examined the pelts.

There came a burst of shooting and yelling from somewhere between us and El-Kerak, and a moment later the thunder of horses galloping full-pelt.

We may git a few pelts.

I simply button up my coat and turn up my collar, and let the storm pelt; and when it is fine weather again, I generally find that I have forgotten that it ever rained.

"I marked her pelt my dog, I was not blind, By Pan, by this my one my precious eye That bounds my vision now and evermore!

Now comes Spencer, my Oneida, mit a pelt, who svears to me dot Brant und Butler an ambuscade haff made for me.

No one, I think, would deny that it would be a service if the woman of fashion ceased to drape fur here, there and everywhere on her gowns except where she might really need the thick pelt to keep her warm, and instead saved the price of the garment which serves no purpose but that of display, and gave the money in Liberty Bonds to buy a fur-lined coat for some soldier, or food for a starving baby abroad.

The remnant of the hair and the gashes in the skin nearly resemble a sheared pelt of beaver.

At Albany and Schenectady we stored our pelts, and so on to New York, where my father shipped them over the sea."

In the brief luxuriant summer came the Indians to trade their pelts, came the keepers of the winter posts to rest, came the ship from England bringing the articles of use or ornament she had ordered a full year before.

However, if the worst came to the worst, she could always skirt the shore, and, consoling herself with this thought, she entered the house, leaving M'Crawney and Phil to unload the pelts and bring them up from the boat.

She was still busy spreading out and arranging pelts of black fox, white fox, silver fox, beaver, skunk, and racoon (there were wolfskins in plenty, too, but

From the wilderness came the brigades bearing their pelts, the hardy traders of the winter posts, striking hot the imagination through the mysterious and lonely allurement of their callings.

"More likely that it will break before noon," retorted Miles, who was helping to bring out the pelts from the stockroom.

They buy their titles over here as they buy their pelts, and it is better to have a canoe-load of beaver skins than a pedigree from Roland.

23 Verbs to Use for the Word  pelts