152 Verbs to Use for the Word perfection

They added variety to the unity already achieved and yet did not reach liturgical perfection nor liturgical beauty.

While it perhaps might be exaggerated boastfulness to affirm that Base Ball, as a professionally organized sport, has attained perfection, it is not out of reason indeed, quite within reasonto observe that Base Ball never had such a well balanced and perfect organization as that by which it is regulated at the present time.

That bright, serene skythat happy combination of land and water, constituting the perfection of the picturesque, and that balmy softness of its air, which have proved themselves so propitious to forms of beauty, agility, and strength, also operate benignantly on the mind which animates them.

"You were wrong to expect perfection, and must abide by your bargain now.

To speak, to give utterance to the truth that he sees, and to the strong emotions that stir within his heart, is that highest energizing in which man finds his natural perfection and his rest.

For this is intelligible as the object of desire to intellect, as giving perfection to and containing it, and as the completion of being.

Vegetation itself became more complicated, and as it approached perfection lost its gigantic growth.

Indeed I must willingly confess this work simple, and not worth comparison to any of theirs: for the writers of them were grave men; of this, young heads: in them is shown the perfection of their studies; in this, the imperfection of their wits.

but a name, typifying the restless principle which impels poor humans to seek perfection in union?

"The measures adopted were not only the best of their kind, but carried out to absolute perfection.

You can love God, because you can appreciate and know God; for you are His child, made in His moral likeness, and capable of seeing Him as He is morally, and of seeing in Him the full perfection of all that attracts your moral sense, when it is manifested in any human being.

" "If this, then," said Socrates, "is true, my friend, there is great hope for one who arrives where I am going, there, if anywhere, to acquire that perfection for the sake of which we have taken so much pains during our past life; so that the journey now appointed me is set out upon with good hope, and will be so by any other man who thinks that his mind has been as it were purified.

You have not, of course, achieved perfection.

Since it is impossible for any real being to be produced by nothing, and since we obtain no satisfactory answer to the question of origin until we rise to something existent from all eternity, we must assume as the cause of that which exists an Eternal Being, which possesses in a higher degree all the perfections which it has bestowed upon the creatures.

She was supposed to have reached perfection; and yet she never claimed perfection, but sadly felt her imperfections, and confessed them.

I have heard of such skill but never before realized its perfection.

Still, the outline of Rosa in the engraving of Crib and Rosa, is considered to represent perfection in the shape, make, and size of the ideal type of Bulldog.

Lord Lister is entitled to the full credit of establishing the aseptic surgery of the present day, in spite of the facts that his doctrine followed rather than preceded his early improvements, that aseptic procedures have been brought nearer perfection elsewhere than in his own country, and that the whole system rests on foundations laid by Pasteur.

Aristotle, therefore, very properly compares the intelligibles of our intellect to colors, because these require the splendour of the sun, and denominates an intellect of this kind, intellect in capacity, both on account of its subordination to an essential intellect, and because it is from a separate intellect that it receives the full perfection of its nature.

His continual neglect of the great Author of his being, of whose perfections he could not doubt, and to whom he knew himself to be under daily and perpetual obligations, gave him, in some moments of involuntary reflection, inexpressible remorse; and this at times wrought upon him to such a degree, that he resolved he would attempt to pay him some acknowledgments.

In a Christian land, the humblest individual may answer as readily as the most profound scholar, and express its perfection in the single word, Holiness.

Now, we must look for the origin of the law requiring physical perfection, not to the formerly operative character of the institution, (for there never was a time when it was not speculative as well as operative,) but to its symbolic nature.

Accordingly, every one in the first place will infinitely prefer and ardently desire those who are most beautifulin other words, those in whom the character of the species is most purely defined; and in the second, every one will desire in the other individual those perfections which he himself lacks, and he will consider imperfections, which are the reverse of his own, beautiful.

He is ready enough to find fault with the boys, poor fellows, who never do anything wrong; but he always thinks Sarah perfection, and nothing else.

We may want a hundred little perfections that escape our ignorance, and which those who are trained to such matters deem essentials.

152 Verbs to Use for the Word  perfection