216 Verbs to Use for the Word performance

Prof. Phil Roher and Otto Dreher gave dramatic performances both in German and English for some time after the close of the war.

I was particularly interested in the question, after witnessing the performances of this San Joaquin band upon the glaciated rocks at the foot of the falls; and as soon as I procured specimens and examined their feet, all the mystery disappeared.

All that morning he kept her close, but in the afternoon let her loose again in the garden after he had lopped the pear tree so that she could not repeat her performance of climbing.

Finally, Bill resolved to have satisfaction and he proceeded to a town where the company was to play; he entered the theater and took a seat near the stage, and watched the performance until the bogus Wild Bill appeared.

A proud man was Smith, as he lifted that fish from the boat and handed it over to the cook to be dressed for breakfast, and though we had seen the whole performance from our tents, yet he gave us in glowing and graphic detail the history of his taking that ten-pound trout.

" There could be little danger attending such a performance, save perchance we might come upon some of those who were sober, and that risk I was more than willing to take for the sake, as the sergeant had said, of being able to tell the story in the future.

When you begin a performance, let all the various instruments produce as it were one sound (inharmonious); then, as you go on, bring out the harmony fully, distinctly, and with uninterrupted flow, unto the end.

He returned her smile; when she finished her performance, he led the applause.

"I think you have heard some performances of hers that were equally funny," rejoined Mrs. Delano.

The truth would have killed Anne, the colonel believed; and besides, the colonel had enjoyed the performance of a picturesque action.

Harry described this performance to me himself.

She bowed rather languidly to the profuse compliments which followed-her performance, and used her fan as if she felt oppressed.

I cried this first time, but later I came to demand the performance.

Though these defects are not produced ex opere operato, they nevertheless are real, and are an encouragement to priests, whose human frailty prevents the perfect performance even of the most sacred functions of their priestly office.

It was a five-act play, without head or tail, and it made no difference at which act we commenced the performance.

But the inhabitants, thus relieved from the terror of his arms, neglected the performance of their stipulations, and only two of their states sent over hostages according to the treaty.

He was now in extreme old age, and, believing himself to have but a short time to live, he wished to see Paris once more, putting forward as his principal motive his desire to superintend the performance of his tragedy of "Irene."

The Spaniards imposed no new condition, except that the sloop should not sail under twenty days; and of this they secured the performance by taking off the rudder.

It furthermore had interrupted other performances on the programme listed for later on that very day.

A trio of my compositiona setting of Tennyson's "Break, break,"was included in the programme of one of the evening concerts, and I had to conduct its performance.

" Mary smiled at this and said she hoped he hadn't missed the performance.

He actually did feel the manly glow of self-approbation which accompanies the performance of a good action: an emotion which no one else present, except Chrysostomus, was so much as able to conceive.

The law has performed its entire appropriate function when it extends to the people the right of suffrage, but it can not compel the performance of that duty.

The directions given to regulate the performance of service for the public, lay great stress on the willingness of those employed to perform it.

Every man, indeed, who is desirous of evading the performance of any of the duties of society, will consider every compulsion as a hardship, by which he is obliged to contribute to the general happiness; but his murmurs will prove nothing but his own folly and ingratitude, and will certainly deserve no regard from the legislative power.

216 Verbs to Use for the Word  performance