123 Verbs to Use for the Word piano

'I felt in the mood to stop at home and play the piano today.

Then she said, "A man is coming to tune the piano this morning.

" "Oh, you must have been dreaming," said Ferd, opening the piano to examine it inside.

"Do you know," she continued, "I have not touched a piano for nearly two years?

Whilst in full work, they had scraped up money to buy a piano; and, long after the ploughshare of ruin had begun to drive over the little household, they clung to the darling instrument, which was such a source of pure pleasure to them, and they were advised to keep it by the committee which relieved them.

" Aunt Prue left the piano and followed her to the door.

" Miss Prudence was moving around easily, giving a touch to something here and there, and after closing the piano slipped away; and, before they knew it, they were alone, standing on the hearth rug looking gravely and almost questioningly into each others' eyes.

He wanted passionately to sell a piano.

There Mother always sat and sewed, and you see, close beside it stood the piano, where Mother sat the very last time and sang.

"Every time I hear that piano, I just about die of fright.

The eldest young lady, a slim black-haired young lass of thirteen, frisks about the rooms, looks at all the pictures, runs in and out of the veranda, tries the piano, and bursts out laughing at its wheezy jingle.

" He led her to the folding table, as the only social spot in that vast area of his, seated her in the one chair, and for himself brought up a piano sto

"Amber said that you said I might use your piano some time.

While they were still talking over what should be done with the piano, the landlord of the Krone in Lower Wood drove up with an empty wagon and took the piano, the beds, the table and the two easy chairs, for everything had been hired from him; but he had been paid in advance up to this time.

Sally now, for the first time, looked around the room and she had to wonder a little, for she saw only the piano and four bare walls, and then there were the two easy chairs on which she and the lady were sitting, and the small table.

In the drawing-room they found a queer old piano which Violet declared must date back farther than Revolutionary days and which Billie, amid gibes and laughter from her chums, tried to play.

I think this was due not entirely to natural artistic temperament, but largely to the fact that I did not begin to learn the piano by counting out exercises, but by trying to reproduce the quaint songs which my mother used to sing, with all their pathetic turns and cadences.

So he cut his hair & otherwise disguised himself & went off to Brighton, and having hired a piano & boy took up his station on the front and started in to make his fortune.

She likes the school, and the girls, so far, and she likes Miss Prudence's piano.

Lulu dusted the upright piano, and that was like Dwightin a perpetual attitude of rearing back, with paws out, playful, but capable, too, of roaring a ready bass.

"Yes, it was hard, but giving up a piano isn't the worst thing in the world.

It contained three roomsone a library and office, another an arsenal and deed-room, and the third, into which he led me, was a sort of sitting-room, containing a piano, facilities for washing, a table, easy-chairs, and other things.

About this time several ladies for whom my mother sewed heard me play and they persuaded her that I should at once be put under a teacher; so arrangements were made for me to study the piano with a lady who was a fairly good musician; at the same time arrangements were made for me to study my books with this lady's daughter.

I fairly shook with shivers then, but I managed to shut the piano and get over to the door where the light was.

So we got out the wee piano

123 Verbs to Use for the Word  piano