52 Verbs to Use for the Word picks

This was his own tamanous, and right joyous was he at the omen, so taking his elk-horn pick he began to dig right sturdily at the foot of the monument.

Two burly fellows in overalls, carrying pick and spade across their shoulders, pushed through the underbrush at the edge of the clearing.

After a time he threw down the pick and passed his head through the opening, but it was not yet large enough to receive his body.

Anybody who can swing a pick like that" "Now let me tell you how they happened to catch him.

Run and fetch a pick and spade, and start here; I'll go back and mark out a proper line.

The 'heathen in his blindness' would have made arrangements with the Genius of the Place before he ever drove a pick there. '

His only child, Alice, ten or twelve years old, bright, fair, full of animal spirits, who was indulged to the last degree by the roughly generous colonel, sometimes accompanied him about the half-developed country, searching for strange birds and blossoms in the woods or watching demurely the laborers ply their picks and shovels while he inspected their work.

In most peaceful times we were accustomed to spend eight hours a day there, lying up against the "face" in a tunnel perhaps four feet high, and wielding a pick in an attitude which would have convulsed any ordinary man with cramp.

"I stayed in Ghorband a month, and gave the Governor there the pick of my baskets for hush-money, and bribed the Colonel of the regiment some more, and, between the two and the tribes-people, we got more than a hundred hand-made Martinis, a hundred good Kohat Jezails that'll throw to six hundred yards, and forty man-loads of very bad ammunition for the rifles.

Where did you find it?" He had found the boat, in the morning, moored about fifty yards from her moorings where he had left it the night before, and could not think how that came to pass; and now, as he and his partner were about to take their oars, they discovered this bell in the bottom of the boat, under a bit of canvas, also the sexton's pick and spade"tom-spey'ad," they termed that peculiar, broad-bladed implement.

Listen!you can hear their picks and the pounding of their rock-hammers!" CHAPTER XX At last Joanne realized that the explosion was not to come, that Blackton and his men were working to save them.

Detroit Jim seized the pick and began to pry the bricks loose from the arched roof of the conduit.

As a mighty sleigh in the loom of time it seemedin a sudden fancy of mineto be beating home the picks of the years.

"Vanilla, hell!" said Hallman, whose harp had one string, "he's been having his pick of country produce.

" Walter then observed that above the clay there was a narrow seam of coal; he heaved his pick again, but instead of striking it half downward, as he ought to have done, he delivered a tremendous horizontal blow that made the coal ring like a church bell, and jarred his own stout arms so terribly that the pick fell out of his numbed hand.

Ray hurt him bad, I guess, for they hed t' pick 'im up 'n' carry 'im off luk a baby.

He inserted his pick under the lid, and pried it off and laid it on one side.

Having opened a door which communicated with the common room, Madame Broquette, assuming the most noble airs, leisurely introduced the pick of her nurses, in groups of three, each with her infant in her arms.

"Sure I'm going to have girlsgold haired girlsall kindstake your pick.

Nearly every one had added something without being asked, and at six o'clock, when Colonel Conwell laid down the pick and axe at the end of his day's work, he was promised more than half the money necessary to tear down the old meeting-house and build a new one."

Using the right hand as a fulcrum and keeping it stationary, each navvy slowly lifted his pick with the left half-way up, about on a level with his waistcoat, when the point of the pick was barely two feet above the ground.

The average breadth of the looms was 37 inches, weaving 37 inch cloth, making 123 picks per minute,all common calicoes about 60 reed, Stockport count, and 68 picks to the inch.

Now do you see where we're coming out?" Mr. Spragg, during this discourse, had remained motionless, his hands in his pockets, his jaws moving mechanically, as though he mumbled a tooth-pick under his beard.

Didn't I offer her her pick of my own string of riding horses?" "Did you do as much as that?" "Sure I did.

They'll simply pass the pick over to the fellow who invests, and start a new prospectus.

52 Verbs to Use for the Word  picks