14 Verbs to Use for the Word placidity

His features had lost their former placidity and wore an aspect of troubled wonder; the clothes which he erstwhiles washed and returned to their owners with such regularity were now brought back long after the proper date and occasionally were not returned at all; and the easy good temper which once characterized his conversation had yielded place to sudden outbursts of anger or protracted spells of sulkiness.

Ulysses felt the friendly placidity that a landscape contemplated in childhood always inspires.

People did not often keep her waiting, and she had not inherited her mother's placidity.

and courteous, possessing a singular placidity of temper, and indulgent to his wife to a degree where indulgence became a fault.

"Lee's countenance," he adds, "did not show signs of the slightest disappointment, care, or annoyance," but preserved the utmost placidity and cheerfulness.

She has not yet reached the placidity of a pardoned soul.

It required all the placidity of my mother's voice to calm him when once the mountain storm of his righteous wrath was in full blast; while as for himself, he would submit to more imposition, and say nothing, than any man I ever knew.

Upon the countenance of his wife rested a placidity sinking almost into fatuity.

A faint, faint rose bloom flushed Lady Lesbia's cheek at sight of him; and Mr. Smithson gave a little look of vexation, just one rapid contraction of the eyebrows, which resumed their conventional placidity the next instant.

The clerk, behind his desk at one side of the hall, had seen men walking up and down in that way, and he thought that the colonel had probably been speculating in tobacco or wheat; but he knew he was good for the amount of his bill, and he retained his placidity.

It would have gratified Albert to have been able to detect the vibration of a painful memory or a pitying emotion, but Helen did not suffer her placidity to be ruffled by disturbing emotion.

The social virtues and the cheerful mind Have ever crowned our days, beguiled our pain; Strangers to discord and her clamorous train," &c. The lines suggest placidity of existence, and placid, indeed, was the married life of Booth, barring his moments of ill-health.

It is a wonder that a self-educated man like Franklin was so broad and liberal in all his views,an impersonation of good nature and catholicity, ever open to new convictions, and respectful of opinions he did not share, provoking mirth and jollity, yet never disturbing the placidity of a social gathering by irritating sarcasm.

We could have wished more placidity and equanimity; but to condemn him because he was not great in everything is unjust.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  placidity