118 Verbs to Use for the Word pledging

Take, then, this counsel, 'tis the last that I shall breathe to thee, Though on the winds I know these words of mine will wasted be: I was the first on whom thou didst bestow the fond caress, And gave those pledges of thy soul, that hour of happiness; Oh, keep the faith of those young days!

It remained for the patricians to redeem the pledges given by their agents Valerius and Horatius on the other demands of the plebeian leaders.

The lecture seems to have bitten itself into John's mind; for a little later on, in July, 1835, after hearing Mr. Swindlehurst lecture, he signed the pledge.

If I were your affianced, with the love for you that you deserve, I would break the pledge when you joined in arms against my family and country.

And another by the Princess Elizabeth: "I enjoy beforehand the pleasure which you will feel in receiving this pledge of love and confidence.

" Vincent's gayety when they returned to the drawing-room attracted the observant Dick, and he slyly whispered to the warrior, "Been practicing the Roman strategy with the Sabines?" "No, I've been at the Temple of Minerva and taken a pledge to hold my tongue.

Russia thus violated her pledge to the Allies not to make a separate peace.

The Mussalmans say frankly openly and honourably to the whole world that if the British Ministers and the British nation do not fulfil the pledges given to them and do not wish to regard with respect the sentiments of 70 millions of the inhabitants of India who profess the faith of Islam, it will be impossible for them to retain Islamic loyalty.

In a few words Fitzgerald explained his situation to this gentleman, and exacted a pledge from him to guard his Julia, in safety, to his mother in England.

Pompeius, lately the ally of Antony, out of Sicily; while Antony renewed his pledges to recover the standards of Crassus from the Parthians.

What pledge did it carry?

"But they forget their pledges, fiends as they are!" "Carlo!

And the day when all the peoples of the world are represented, and accept reciprocal pledges of international solidarity, a great step will have been taken.

But the writer of 'Current Topics' says Mr. Lloyd George "is now in process of keeping his pledge" I hope he is right.

Those who had sufficient property were not only deemed entirely trustworthy themselves, but were also considered answerable for the men under them; a second class of freeholders held property sufficient to serve as security for their own good behaviour, but not sufficient to make them pledges for others; there was a third and lower class without property, for whose good conduct the law required the pledge of some superior.

I ask no pledge other than comes to your heart when you read this; but whatever you may say, whatever you may decide, I am now and always shall be your devoted "RICHARD" He sighed, casting a woe-begone glance into the mirror, dimly conscious that he was a very heroic young person.

He should so much confide in his own veracity and fidelity, and so much stand upon them, that he should not deign to offer any pledge for them, implying them to want confirmation.

When parole is granted to a prisoner he makes a solemn pledge and promise that he will live up to the terms under which he is released, and even his own nation may not ask him to perform a service that is inconsistent with that pledge.

"All you have to do is to write the pledge at the top of a piece of paper: 'I will try to be kind to all harmless living creatures, and try to protect them from cruel usage,' and get thirty people to sign it.

Seventhly, the peace treaties are the most barefaced denial of all the principles which the Entente Powers declared and proclaimed during the War; not only so, but they are a fundamental negation of President Wilson's famous fourteen points which were supposed to constitute a solemn pledge and covenant, not only with the enemy, but with the democracies of the whole world.

Lord William seems to have been much gratified by my letters in May and June affording the pledges of my support and the assurances of my confidence.

Pilate sent back the pledge to his wife, as an assurance of his intention to keep his promise.

Both sides kept faith: the Romans restored their pledge of peace according to treaty: and with the Etruscan king valour found not only security, but also honour; and, after praising the maiden, he promised to give her, as a present, half the hostages, allowing her to choose whom she pleased.

Millions in value pass out of these streets, that go to feed the vanity of those who fancy themselves wealthy, because they hold some ideal pledges for the payment of advances in price like those mentioned by the auctioneer, and which have some such security for the eventual payment, as one can find in calling a thing, that is really worth a dollar, worth a hundred.

If thou hast many, is my love inadequate to thine? O Zaida, how I fear for thee, my veins with anger glow; O Zaida, turn once more to me, and let the stranger go. As soon as he hath left thy side his pledges, thou wilt find, Were hollow and his promises all scattered to the wind.

118 Verbs to Use for the Word  pledging