4 Verbs to Use for the Word plummet

His knowledge of the intellectual side of human nature is especially remarkable, but, unlike Shakespeare, Bacon never drops his plummet into the emotional depths of the soul.

Lobo was not able to sink his plummet lower, perhaps, because it was stopped by roots, the whole place being full of trees.

can you see no treasure?' 'No,' I called back, 'I can see nothing,' and then, 'Are you sure, Master Block, that you have measured the plummet true to eighty feet?' I heard them talking together, but could not make out what they said, for the bim-bom and echo in the well, till Elzevir shouted again, 'They say this floor has been raised; you must try lower.'

'Tis a plummet to sound Spanish hearts How deeply they are yours: besides a ghesse Is hereby made of any faction That shall combine against you; which the King seeing, If then he will not rouze him like a Dragon To guard his golden fleece and rid his Harlot And her base bastard hence, either by death Or in some traps of state insnare them both, Let his owne ruines crush him.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  plummet