18 Verbs to Use for the Word pop

Unger thinks I'm crazy when I try to get him interested, but I" "I got ninety in manual training to-day, pop.

My boy Digby says to me this mornin', when I asked him if he was goin' to the County Fair 'No, Pop, I ain't goin',' he says, 'it's the same old fair every year.'

" Toward the close of that day the red-bearded man raised his eyes from his book and beheld the Jolly-cum-pop and his party approaching.

And now, Major, I'm going to take her straight to Denver, and send for a parson and get her married to me, and she'll brace up, sure pop.

Brighteyes found Sister Sallie just finishing helping Mrs. Bushytail do up the housework, and Sister Sallie was singing: Hippity-hop to the barber-shop, To buy a lolly-pop lally.

" "No," cried the Jolly-cum-pop, "not yet.

Thur's sixpence vor the sausingers, tuppence vor bread an' butter, an' dreppence the pop,that meaks 'levenpence"; an' I drows down a shillin', and ses, "Thur's the odd penny vor the young 'ooman as waited upon me.

Then, as in a dream, he heard a soul-satisfying pop and Miranda placed a tall, amber glass at his wrist and filled it with the creaming redrose wine of ancient Burgundy.

I asked, as I never knew pop held any office.

" "Yes, ma'am," said Wilbur to Minna, though he would have preferred the pop by reason of its colour and its vivacious prickling; and you could have milk at home.

" "He will think," merrily replied the Jolly-cum-pop, "that all your prisoners are very fat, and that the little girls have grown up into big men.

The scion of the house of Burrell gave vent to some scarcely intelligible sounds, that resembled "Hoo-rogler pop-pop!" which his mother averred was astonishingly plain, and deserving of a kiss; and, snatching him up, she gave him two or three hearty ones, and then planted him in his father's lap again.

"This is luxury," roared the Jolly-cum-pop.

When the prince and the courtiers saw the Jolly-cum-pop in his bright and variegated dress, they did not know him; but the boys and girls soon recognized his jovial face, and, tired as they were, they set up a hearty laugh, in which they were loudly joined by their merry friend.

"If Racey ever finds out who wrote that," thought Kansas to himself, pulling the door shut, "hell will shore pop.

"It's an even thing if she wouldn't spot me the first pop," he reflected admiringly.

" "Well, I'll tell ye what, miss; if ye'll wet the tay an' pop the pot down on the hob, the eggs 'ull be done, an' by the time ye have them brought in the bread 'ull be toasted illigant.

And then the Millennium would begin, "sure pop.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  pop