86 Verbs to Use for the Word porter

"My lord," replied the porter, "I am called Hindbad.

In the morning Cartwright told the porter to take his chair to the beach and sat down in a shady spot.

For several days he asked the porter at the club if there were any letters, receiving the usual reply, 'None, sir.'

Follow, Huntington: Sir Richard, do not fail to send the porter.

Enraged at the delay, Leonard peremptorily ordered the porter to come on; and Blaize, casting a rueful glance at his treasures, which he perceived at a little distance in the middle of the road, was compelled to obey.

Pocketing his cash, he made him a bow, and exclaimed, 'Thank you, Alderman, in future I shall drink no porter but yours.'

There was nothing to do but go back to the Gare du Nord, and question more porters and cabmen.

I went to the railway-station and looked about until I found a porter whose face I had seen when I got out of the train.

"Is Master Stephen worse?" rejoined the porter.

" "Leonard will show you the way," returned the porter, holding back.

At the door of the dining-car stood the porter of his Pullman, a negro like himself, and Peter mechanically gave him fifty cents.

Yet, with her finger on the bell, ready to summon the porter, she paused.

He must look for no mercy if he desires justice to be done to him, for he shows none; and I think he cares the less, because he knows heaven hath no need of such tenantsthe doors there want no porters, for they stand ever open.

He thought, for instance, that he had never seen a more repulsive porter, or one more obviously incompetent than the man who had attached himself with a firm grasp to the handle of the bag as he strode off in the direction of the luggage van.

The sentry, seeing these soldiers arrive, halted, but at the moment when he was going to challenge them with a qui-vive, the Adjutant-Major seized his arm, and, in his capacity as the officer empowered to countermand all instructions, ordered him to give free passage to the 42d, and at the same time commanded the amazed porter to open the door.

As Rudolph followed a Malay porter toward the gang-plank, he was painfully aware that Mrs. Forrester had turned from the rail and stood waiting in his path.

" "Would you be so very kind, sir," he said to me, "to beckon a porter, as you are near the door?

'Now her father' 'Ay,' interrupts the porter, 'he be one of the old sort; but she' he cannot get any further for lack of an appropriate illustration.

An Oxford scholar, meeting a porter who was carrying a hare through the streets, accosts him with this extraordinary question: "Prithee, friend, is that thy own hare, or a wig?" There is no excusing this, and no resisting it.

Sir James Fenwick had called two porters at the Caledonian Railway Station who testified to Miss Crawford having taken her seat in a first-class carriage of the 9.10 train, some minutes before it started.

FAU. Block, bring the porter of the Fleet to court. BLO.

"However, Mr. Vassall walked round to the hotel and interviewed the hall porter.

Here there was no disputing the fact, but as the trunk was not worth five livres, the Commissaries contented themselves with erasing the lilies; but the unfortunate clock, being worth twelve hundred, was, notwithstanding its trefoil, carried off by themselves, for they would not trust the porters with so precious a load.

But though he approached the distressed porter with full confidence in his ability to deal with any situation, his eyebrows arched in astonishment as he took in the full details of the intruder's attire.

Got half a dollar?" "Oh, yes," laughed Mercy, much pleased that the old man was willing she should pay the porters.

86 Verbs to Use for the Word  porter