13 Verbs to Use for the Word postcard

He received a postcard from Jacky saying that she was living in a motel but was about to move into a house.

The people have known her since she was born, and ran the country barefootedso we can't send her a 'Flyall is discovered' postcard.

Death delivers a postcard.

From time to time she surreptitiously studied the postcard on which she had jotted down the mysterious numbers.

Descending to the office to buy some postcards, the boys found, lounging about the desk, a stoutish man with a rather dissipated face, puffy under the eyes and heavy about the jaws.

"And here," she said, presenting the postcard, "is an exact copy of the cipher message he left there.

It seemed to me so pathetic that he should be just there, at that natural spot which the passions and the blood of men long dead had made artificial, tediously selling postcards in order to keep his worn and creaking body out of the grave.

and, leaping up from his seat, he rushed across the promenade and, taking from his pocket a picture-postcard of some Hungarian beauty, he coaxed Coleopteron to walk on to it, then bore him triumphantly back and deposited him upon the leaf of a palm which overhung our table.

He wrote a letter to Mr. Drury that night, having thus far used picture postcards until he was ashamed.

The postcard venders of Louvain must have grown fat with wealth; for, next to bottled beer and butter and cheap cigars, every common soldier craved postcards above all other commodities.

"Then you fill out this postcard and put it into every bundle you send.

They say, yell ken, that I was playing in a theatre once, and that when the engagement was ended I gie'd photographs o' masel to all the stage hands picture postcards.

Many of the loop-holes are labelled with men's names, written in a good engrossing hand; and between the loop-holes, and level with them, are pinned coloured postcards and photographs of women, girls, and children.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  postcard