39 Verbs to Use for the Word poultry

Oh, there are a hundred things I have to think of, but I always say to any one that thinks of raising poultry: 'If you are going into the business for the purpose of making money, it pays to take care of them.'

He went into one of the hen-houses, and it was not long before he saw Judy come out to feed the poultry.

She took service on another farm where she tended the poultry; and as she was well thought of by her master, her fellow-workers soon grew jealous.

They do not rear any poultry or pigeons about their houses.

For a hundred francs a year, she cooked and did the housework, washed, ironed, mended, harnessed the horse, fattened the poultry, made the butter and remained faithful to her mistressalthough the latter was by no means an agreeable person.

I wonder whether Possy was a great letter-writer and kept poultry.

"Very soon, sir," he used to say, "men will have lost the art of killing poultry: the very rudiments of the art will have perished!"

They will beg of blacks more provident and industrious than themselves, or they will steal their poultry and rob their provision grounds at night; but they would disdain to associate with them.

But, unless we are mistaken, he who breeds poultry for his own eating, bargains for a more substantial reward than the questionable pleasure of burying his carving-knife in chicken grease.

forgetting that the sleeping fox catches no poultry; and that there will be sleeping enough in the grave, as Poor RICHARD says.

They also know how to blow out and dress stale poultry, so as to make it look quite fresh and plump.

In consequence of this an order was issued forbidding the monks to eat poultry, except during four days at Easter and four at Christmas.

To these hardly human little beings, I addressed my remonstrances about the filth, cold, and unnecessary wretchedness of their room, bidding the elder boys and girls kindle up the fire, sweep the floor, and expel the poultry.

In this march he came to a large town, in which he found much poultry, to the great refreshment of his troops.

If you'd turn to and help me rear poultry and make dressesand why don't you take to cooking?" "Take to cooking!"

On Sunday last, I rode round the woods near St. Annie's and met with a monstrous snake, which Jack called a chicken snake; but whether because it particularly affected poultry as its diet, or for what other reason, he could not tell me.

This word was originally "stop-chick," being so called from the use occasionally made of it by Chinamen for knocking down young poultry.

She met with terrible mishaps in her efforts to milk a cow; she let the poultry into the garden; she generally spoilt whatever part of the dinner she took in charge; she broke crockery; she dropped our biggest pitcher into the well; andexcept with her needle and those little wooden instruments for purse-makingwas as unserviceable a member of society as any young lady in the land.

When this is the case, strain it through a cloth or jelly-bag, and use it for moulding poultry, etc. (See Explanation of French Terms, page 44.)

Their houses contained their hammocks, baskets, and other belongings, and they owned some poultry.

"No, sir!" "I don't see what we can do except to adjourn court until you can procure the necessary poultry," announced Judge Bender.

If left at liberty in a state of tameness, it will pursue poultry, and destroy every living thing that it has strength to conquer.

In days of yore, ere early Greece Had dream'd of patrols or police, A crew of rake-hells in terrorem Spread wide, and carried all before 'em, Rifled the poultry, and the women, And held that all things were in common; Till Jove's great Son the nuisance saw, And did abate it by Club Law.

In all the villages I saw poultry and swine in great numbers, but not more than three horses and a buffalo-cow; both the horses and the cow were of an extremely small breed.

* BOILED FOWLS. Are served with a fine white sauce, and are often garnished with pieces of white cauliflower, or vegetable marrow, the chief object is to keep them white; it is best to select white legged poultry for boiling, as they prove whiter when dressed.

39 Verbs to Use for the Word  poultry