1175 Verbs to Use for the Word powering

Comparatively few men thoroughly understand how to rate other men, and to these few men, as in all other great enterprises, must be given the power and authority to select and adjust.

Not dark to him, for he loved the natives and possessed such powers of attraction that wherever he settled he won their affections.

So indisposed were they to separate from England or to substitute for its rule that of a new government, that the Continental Congress, when it then involuntarily took over the government of America, failed to exercise any adequate power.

I seem to have lost the power of movement.

He feels himself a self-directing power, and at times asserts this power against the will of those who would make him do what he does not want to do.

He held, he said, my reputation in his hand; he hoped he should never have to use his power, but I ought to consider the state of his feelings towards me and not goad him to desperate measures.

"Gentlemen, I voted that it should be a white statethat negroes, whether free or slave, should never be allowed to locate within its limits; and, gentlemen, I say to you now, and I say it boldly, that I propose to exert all my power in making Kansas the same kind of a state as Iowa.

He "fixed" the Red Dog as one knowing the power of the master's eye to quell.

Even the hardest portions of the edge of the hoof are comparatively soft and elastic; furthermore, the toes admit of an extraordinary amount of both lateral and vertical movement, allowing the foot to accommodate itself still more perfectly to the irregularities of rock surfaces, while at the same time increasing the gripping power.

This is but one of many incidents showing his marvellous power in restraining his patients and raising them to a higher moral level.

It lays hold of a child and, out of his destructive instinctsthe instinct to bang, and pull, and tear to piecesit develops creative power, the inventive genius that lies hid within him.

In combination with other foods, its nutritive qualities are greatly increased; but from its having little stimulating power, it is apt, when taken in large quantities alone, to lie long on the stomach.

He feels himself a self-directing power, and at times asserts this power against the will of those who would make him do what he does not want to do.

In thus acquiring from the forces of Nature almost illimitable power, he has minimized the necessity for his own physical exertion or even mental skill.

Pasamonte the title of governor of that land; that functionary conceiving himself authorized to confer such a power, and having become as favorable as he had formerly been the reverse.

It is a glorious task that lies before the minister of to-dayto maintain, develop, and uplift the spiritual life of the most wonderful epoch of the world's history; to place upon human souls that vital touch that shall hold their powers subject to eternal influences and aims.

That the narrator should clothe his living story in words expressive of its atmosphere, and that the listener should in this way gain such power over language, that he, too, can fitly express himself is quite another matter.

He wielded a military power greater than that of any other prince of the moment, and he knew it and charged like a mad bull at whoever seemed to interpose in his designs.

By regular rhythmic movementthis is of special importanceshe brings this power within the child's own conscious control when she dandles him in her arms in rhythmic movements and to rhythmic sounds, cautiously following the slowly developing life in the child, arousing it to greater activity, and so developing it.

Thus they denied the power of a majority to alter even the form of government.

By the Articles of Confederation, which, as stated, became effective in 1781, the conduct of foreign affairs was vested in the new government, which was also given the power to create admiralty courts, regulate coinage, maintain an army and navy, borrow money, and emit bills of credit, but the great limitation was that in all other respects the constituent States retained absolute power, especially with reference to commerce and taxation.

Had this de facto government assumed the plenary powers which provisional governments must, under similar circumstances, necessarily assume, it would have been better for the cause of the colonists.

It took more driving power to get the Pittsburgh players around the bases than it did those of New York.

Moore remarks"that the charm of scenery, which derives its chief power from fancy and association, should be felt at an age when fancy is yet hardly awake and associations are but few, can with difficulty he conceived."

This broke and crumpled the quill, and destroyed its power to do further harm.

1175 Verbs to Use for the Word  powering