7 Verbs to Use for the Word prayin

But I'se bin a prayin' fer one thing, an' I beliebs I'll git it; an' dat is dat

An' me poor little boy comin' as fast as he can across the say to take me out of it, an' me breakin' my heart prayin' that I might live to see the day!

I know a woman dat couldn' 'member de Lawd's Prayer, an' she got 'ligion out o' prayin', 'January, February, March'.)

There's times, when I hears a body prayin', that I wishes we was Papists again and worshipped images, that I might throw stones at 'em!

" The Elder looked into her illumined face, and, sighing, said: "I can't help prayin' that the Lord'll have errands for us that we can do together as long's we live, Draxy."

I couldn't stand so much prayin' all the time.

I hate to hear her say dat, but from dat minute I started prayin' for freedom.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  prayin