58 Verbs to Use for the Word predictions

Time has verified his prediction, for constitution making has been, since the American Constitution was adopted, a continuous industry.

The day drew near which was to restore his son to his arms in confident security, or to fulfil the prediction which left him without an heir to his name and honours.

At the same time he took upon him the dignity of a prophet, and began to utter predictions relating to the affairs of England and Ireland.

And Ulysses remembered the prediction of Tiresias, which said that he was to perish by his own guests, unless he slew those who knew him not.

Lord Macaulay once ventured the prediction that the Constitution would prove unworkable as soon as there were no longer large areas of undeveloped land and when the United States became a nation of great cities.

Whether the people of Israel did not believe the predictions of the prophet, or wished to have a kingly government in spite of its evils, in order to become more powerful as a nation, we do not know.

The events falsified all the predictions that were drawn from the contemplation of societies less advanced politically.

The whole condition of affairs justifies a prediction made by Brigham Young, June 17th, 1855, in a sermon, in which he declared: "Though I may not be Governor here, my power will not be diminished.

It is amusing to learn that the tract announcing Partridge's death, and the approaching death of the Duke of Noailles, was taken quite seriously, for Partridge's name was struck off the rolls of Stationers' Hall, and the Inquisition in Portugal ordered the tract containing the treasonable prediction to be burned.

" Hadifah hearing this prediction, said: "I don't trouble myself much about the matter, and your suggestion seems to me absurd."

Nor will the next generation regard with any more reverence, his character as a prophet, because in the edition of 1835, two years after the American Antislavery Society was formed, and when its auxiliaries were numbered by hundreds, he inserted a prediction that such movements would be made at the North, with most disastrous results.

Dear Miss Wordsworth,You will think me negligent, but I wanted to see more of Willy before I ventured to express a prediction, Till yesterday I had barely seen him,Virgilium tantum vidi; but yesterday he gave us his small company to a bullock's heart, and I can pronounce him a lad of promise.

I should hardly have been able to remember the words of the prophecy, but for subsequent conversation thereon with Eveena, when one part had been fulfilled and the rest was on the eve of a too terribly truthful fulfilment; but for the events that fixed their prediction in my mindit may be in terms a little more precise than those actually employed, though I have endeavoured to record these with conscientious accuracy.

And the general trade of Ireland, and especially the linen manufacture, within a very few years began to realize his prediction.

I am no prophet, but I will hazard the prediction that it will not be long before the socialistic agitator will stir up a commotion at the South that will make employers of labor and people of wealth tremble.

On this account, it would not be difficult for the oracle to emit predictions, which, to all those unacquainted with the secret, would appear altogether astonishing and unaccountable.

Seeing the dangers, but feeling his impotence, he affected levity, and exclaimed to his courtiers Après nous le déluge,a prediction which only uncommon sagacity could have prompted.

Kossuth replied: Sir,Before I answer you, let me look over this animated ocean, that I may impress upon my memory the look of those who have transformed the wilderness of a primitive forest into an immense city, of which there exists a prediction that, by the year of our Lord 2000, it will be the greatest city in the world.

When we thus find a prediction to break down suddenly in the middle, we have the well-known mark of its earlier part being written after the event: and it becomes unreasonable to doubt that the detailed annunciations of this 24th chapter of Matthew, were first composed very soon after the war of Titus, and never came from the lips of Jesus at all.

You're almost sure to be buried alive under one of the big Culebra slides, and we'll never see you again!" CHAPTER VIII OFF FOR PANAMA There was a moment of silence following Mr. Piper's gloomy prediction, and then Miss Shay, with a laugh, cried out: "Oh, what a shame!

[The printer may venture to italicize the closing prediction, as we wish to bring it under the particular notice of school-committees and superintendents of education, who will see the fearful responsibility they incur by placing copies of Prescott's Histories, bound in sheep, in their school-libraries.]

But on my heart there still lay heavy the twice-repeated prediction of my father and of the Lady Ysolinde, that I should yet return and hold the Red Axe in his place.

As soon as it began to be perceived that such was likely to be the result of the abolition in regard to the emancipation, Mr. Stephen's authority with his coadjutors, always high, rose in proportion to the confirmations which the event had lent his predictions; and his zealous endeavours and unwearied labours for the subversion of the accursed system became both more extensive and more effectual.

Again, whether from vexation at Apollo for making some unpleasant predictions to him or because he was merely crazy, he took away from the god the territory of Cirrha and gave it to the soldiers.

I shall insist upon assigning one fifth of my right to you, which, mark my prediction, will prove of itself a fortune.

58 Verbs to Use for the Word  predictions