12 Verbs to Use for the Word predisposition

ITS PREVENTION.Whenever there is found to exist in a family a predisposition to this malady, one or more children having suffered from it, a mother must make up her mind, and in the strictest sense of the word, to be the guardian of the health of any child she may subsequently give birth to.

The amount of tendinous and ligamentous material in the neighbourhood offers a strong predisposition to necrosis, and the necrosis, with its attendant formation of pus, offers a further danger when the close proximity of the pedal articulation and the unyielding character of the horny box is considered with it.

By a rigid attention to these measures the mother adopts the surest antidote, indirectly, to overcome the constitutional predisposition to that disease, the seeds of which, if not inherited from the parent, are but too frequently developed in the infant during the period of nursing; and, at the same time, she takes the best means to engender a sound and healthy constitution in her child.

Circumstances have only developed his latent predisposition.' 'Not changed, my dear lord!

The character of the confinement, its duration, and the uses to which it will be put should be dominated by the idea of discovering the unknown criminal predisposition.

" Very early she displayed a most decided poetic predisposition,writing, when but ten years old, with surprising facility on every possible subject.

APT, LIKELY, LIABLE.Apt implies a natural predisposition, an habitual tendency.

A small oblique eye (the Chinese eye), when associated with lateral development of the cranium, and ears drawn back, indicates a predisposition to murder.

For every act, and, consequently, for every talent, an innate tendency is requisite, working automatically, and unconsciously carrying with itself the necessary predisposition; yet, for this very reason, it works on and on inconsequently, so that, although it contains its laws within itself, it may, nevertheless, ultimately run out, devoid of end or aim.

%(c) The Doctrine of Subjective Spirit% makes freedom (being with or in self) the essence and destination of spirit, and shows how spirit realizes this predisposition in increasing independence of nature.

I earnestly believe that no one ever so effectually controlled the predisposition to slumber as did this woman.

Whenever there has existed previously any nervous or mental affection in the parent, wet-nurse suckling is always advisable; this, with judicious management of childhood, will do much to counteract the hereditary predisposition.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  predisposition