16 Verbs to Use for the Word preliminaries

"My Lord Chatterton and myself can easily settle the preliminaries, as Captain Jarvis is much disposed to consult your wishes, sir, in this affair.

"He is doubtless wondering if we are arranging the preliminaries for the desperate encounter for which we were booked.

"We have no authority to discuss the preliminaries of peace voted by the Assembly at Bordeaux.

Among other things the agent of England, a Mr. Oswald,a man of high character and courteous bearing,was empowered to treat with the "Thirteen Colonies," to which Franklin, eager for peace, saw no objection; but Jay declined to sign the preliminaries of peace unless the independence and sovereignty of the "United States" were distinctly acknowledged.

"The attorneys, who had formerly the care of collecting evidence, and of adjusting all the preliminaries of a suit, are now totally dismissed; the whole affair is put into the hands of the advocates, and the office of an attorney is annulled for ever.

As you know, so did we have a game of Base Ball at Stockholm with one of the Finland teams, and as it may be of some interest to you to know the preliminaries to the game, I am writing to relate how it happened.

There is, however, this essential difference, that, instead of narrating his preliminaries in cold blood, Ibsen, in his best work, dramatizes the narration.]

On the evening of the same day, a telegram from Bordeaux announced that the National Assembly had ratified the preliminaries of peace by a majority of 546 voices against 107.

He had never felt it; for hadn't he been born, to his personal vision, with that perfect intuition of everything which reduces all the suggested preliminaries of judgment to the impertinencewhen it's a question of your entering your houseof a dumpage of bricks at your door?

I spoke of her past liberality to me, and asked her whether I had not better choose some work which required less expensive preliminaries.

Can't we skip the preliminaries?" he broke out.

One can only say, "Find an interesting theme, state its preliminaries clearly and crisply, and let issue be joined without too much delay."

The negotiations consumed much time, the delegates from both sides meeting again and again to complete the preliminaries.

Monsieur was, when the subject of the new cabal against Richelieu was mooted to him by Cinq-Mars, residing in the Luxembourg (known at that period as the Palais d'Orléans), whither the Grand Equerry was accustomed to repair in disguise, and generally during the night, to concert with the Prince all the preliminaries of the conspiracy.

It is useless to consider the preliminaries, the pronouncements, the meetings, the campaign which raged for a fortnight in the Press both by letter and leading article.

And drag out the preliminaries as long as you can, to give him a chance to get up here.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  preliminaries