13 Verbs to Use for the Word prettiest

"Well," Frank continued, gravely, "turn around and look your prettiest for it, then.

I shall be charmed to give you one, and I will pick out the very prettiest for you.

Now, if you were to walk still farther on the bed of the sea, into deeper water, you would find the prettiest of all the sea plants.

Let me help you, my pretty.

Suddenly the woman turned, and, laying the prettiest of little hands on my sleeve, said, with a winning smile, "Is it a crime of lèse-majesté?"

A dozen new admirers flocked around her as she walked back to Gitchee-Gummee at the close of the Swimming hour, all begging to be allowed to sew up the tear in her bathing suit, or offering to lend her the prettiest of their bathing caps.

"I ordered the prettiest and the finest in Paris.

Oh, yes, she'll spare oneher prettiest.

"We have taken the prettiest of the spruces first," continued Miss Harson, "and now we must see what are the differences between them.

His Mouth is made I don't know how, but 'tis the prettiest that I ever saw in my Life.

He enjoyed these orgies very much and often entertained his friends in this manner; quite often he and his guests would engage in these debaucheries, choosing for themselves the prettiest of the young women.

I was just dying to see you!" exclaimed the little lady, turning a pretty, but somewhat worn, and brilliantly sad face from her gardening.

She was not without points, but notwithstanding these it could not be said that she deserved the adjective pretty; and he was already convinced that it was not good looks that prejudiced her in Father Peter's eyes.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  prettiest