7 Verbs to Use for the Word profanations

So singularly still and solitary was the plain around the house, that the sound of the bell breaking the silence had in it something startling, and appeared, in its sudden and shrill voice, a profanation to the deep tranquillity of the spot.

" "I cannot help writing a sort of apology for my laster letter, foreseeing that you will think it wrong, or at least Lord Bute will be extremely shocked at the proposal of a learned education for daughters, which the generality of men believe as great a profanation as the clergy would do if the laity should presume to exercise the functions of the priesthood.

But should he commit this profanation of the graveas he regarded it?

The awful reverence for death which would have impelled an Englishman of almost any social position to feel indignation and instantly put a stop to what he would consider a profanation, was absolutely unknown to all those engaged in that perfunctory rite.

I can scarcely believe it; these madmen don't read; and certainly no philosopher would have counselled profanation.

Christianity does not need them, and they are spared a daily profanation in the name of religion.

Symbol it is of the desolation which caused it, even the trampled fanes and altars of the human soul,the temple of God, whose profanation the church has suffered to go on unrebuked, till now both must crumble into the same grave.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  profanations