13 Verbs to Use for the Word prostration

"This one case has nearly given me nervous prostration.

Then his powerlessness to avenge his daughter completed his prostration.

He assumed a dozen different positions in a short space: first sitting on a camp-chair beside her, then hurried walking up and down, then careless prostration upon the grass.

Of course, I shall meet her with firmness, since she has disdained my prostration at her feet.

That dream, so familiar to childhood, of meeting a lion, and, from languishing prostration in hope and vital energy, that constant sequel of lying down before him, publishes the secret frailty of human naturereveals its deep-seated Pariah falsehood to itselfrecords its abysmal treachery.

This scene, my lords, is daily to be viewed, it is ostentatiously displayed to the sight of mankind, the minister amuses himself in publick with the splendour, and number, and dignity of his slaves; and his slaves with no more shame pay their prostrations to their master in the face of day, and boast of their resolutions to gratify and support him.

Sudden news of misfortune, or great attacks of fear, have produced instant prostration and bodily suffering, and these cases occur so frequent that all within the range of an ordinary life are familiar with them.

People shook their heads, but by the time of the first snowstorm they had ceased to prophesy nervous prostration, and by the time sleighing was fairly established they were ready to admit that the girl had acted sensibly after all.

He found her weak and wasted; the violent applications which had been necessary for safety had robbed her of all strengthhad effected, in fact, a prostration of power, which she never recovered, from which she never rallied.

and you have the concentro-normal attitude, which signifies prostration.

My heart belongs to the dear girl, therefore Iravati did me a service by not accepting my prostration.

Besides a stateliness of bearing, and an air of self-importance, which shew that he could be no ordinary person, he was observed to use prostrations at regular periods of the day, and to repeat sentences with great solemnity and earnestness.

The draining of the slaves, he continued, would bring compensation in an inflow of white settlers only when the removal of slave labor had become virtually complete and had brought in consequence the most extreme prostration of land prices and of the incomes of the still remaining remnant of the original population.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  prostration