4 Verbs to Use for the Word provider

Yet why did he not address himself to the soil, man's everlasting provider and nurse?

When he confessed to having, 'so help him Heaven,' not four francs in the world, he was ordering this vernis de Guiton, at five francs a bottle, from Paris, and calling the provider of it a 'scoundrel,' because he ventured to ask for his money.

Half an hour's delay of "the paper" makes us fret and fume and condemn the fair provider of our breakfastfor over-roasted coffee and stale eggsall because the paper is not "come;" but when would it come without short-hand?

He wants her love and a wife; she wants a provider, not a lover, and she takes him as a husband because she can't draw his salary any other way.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  provider